krystle cole wiki

2002: While residing in Seattle penthouses with Krystle Cole, Skinner impersonates Gordon Skinner, a British physician of a similar name who does AIDS research. 1992: Skinner places multiple recorded controlled calls to McKinley from the Tulsa FBI office. Who will be eaten first? May, 2003: Skinner overdoses several teenagers in Tulsa, Oklahoma while providing free drugs in his hotel suites. 22M views 10 years ago "Former goth stripper Krystle Cole talks about her time spent living in a subterranean missile silo converted into a luxurious LSD manufacturing facility -- a sort of. 1989: While incarcerated, Gordon Todd Skinner meets John Worthy in jail just before Worthy's release, and contacts prosecutor from jail to set up Worthy and two of his associates on marijuana charges. April 4, 2007: Krystle Cole's Pre-Sentence Investigation Report also cites torture victim Brandon Green as reporting a collapsed lung, damage to the left side of his body, sexual dysfunction, severe memory loss (click here for Report p. 5-8). Krystle Cole, now 20 years old, begins relationship with 18 year old Brandon Green. She always had the upper hand in the relationship. May 23, 2000: Family disturbance occurs at home of Leslie Gervat in Kansas City, with her father calling police about suspected 300 pills of MDMA delivered in a package from Amsterdam to Ryan Overton. I'm the author . . The MDMA is discarded. January 7, 2003: Skinner's father, Gordon Henry Skinner (then 65), is arrested at 4:30 AM after he refuses entrance since 12:30 AM to Tulsa police, who are investigating a report of domestic abuse. 2001: Civil damages of $150,000 are awarded by a Kansas state court to Audio F/X due to default by Skinner in not responding to suit over Skinner theft of stereo of same value. of April/May, 2001: Skinner moves from Tucson to Seattle with Krystle Cole, and remains in Seattle until eventual his arrest for theft of $150,000 stereo from Audio F/X of Sacramento, California. Skinner and his stepfather - an IRS agent assigned to DEA - both travel to Tracon site (the second trip by Skinner, this time as FBI informant). Green is repeatedly injected by Skinner with unknown substances (compare manslaughter of Paul Hulebak, above). Picard they originally snitched on was the worlds largest and ethical Psychedelic/LSD manufacturer. July 25, 2000: Skinner places call to the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. from the missile base. A forum about raving, drugs and alcohol harm reduction. January 3, 1985: Skinner begins trading with a $5,000 deposit to FOG. January 8 - April 3, 2003: Gordon Todd Skinner testifies for eleven days as the government's principle witness in Kansas LSD trial. Agents then drive Kendall to Wamego, Kansas to obtain notarized permission to enter and remain on property. Spann, Sam Merit, and Oded Benary, 962 F.2d 16 (9th Cir. All are convicted. July, 2002: Charges filed by Pottawatomie County (Kansas) police against Skinner for theft of $150,000 stereo. 10.). I would bet the farm she is currently living off illegally made money, and is either committing or scheming several large crimes. She has the propensity to kill and is arrogant enough to follow through with it. Answer: Incarceration. Picard never misrepresented his product and it was always top quality. Tom Leding described by Skinner as "on the board of Oral Roberts University or Foundation," had according to Skinner invested with Tracon, a business owned by Merit (Id. November, 2001: Ryan Overton arrested for 600 doses of MDMA ("offense concluded in September, 2001"). The Pub Shroomery Message Board. She's got that dirty film, you know. She would chant prayers over my body, offering up my soul as a sacrifice to Satan.. Matters relating to Skinner's criminal activity that Skinner refused to describe to the jury - and occurring during the period he also acted as an informant for federal agencies - include but are not limited to: One person Krystal played was Gordon Todd Skinner. Since the original bust something like 90% of LSD dropped due to the bust. Present were H.V. She should be locked away after what that poor kid went through. She had told the landlord that her and I (sic) were about to go to California to take care of her dying father. My name is Krystle Cole. ): Skinner, Cole and Hauck blindfold the gagged and bound Brandon Green, injects him with drugs, and move him in a box on a luggage carrier from the DoubleTree suite to the trunk of a car, then transport him to a motel in Houston, Texas, where the torture of Green continued. This led to a cross-country pursuit by the DEA and the organization which distributed the LSD, the Brotherhood of Love. August 28, 1993: Skinner testifies as the informant in United States v. E Lavay McKinley, 58 F.3d 147 (10th Cir. July, 2002: Skinner reported to Sgt. Cole probably knew what was going on with Leonard, as she was happy to go off around the country with a rich older man right after. July 3-11, 2000: Many calls are placed from Overton's phone to missile base, where Ryan socialized with Krystle Cole, Overton, Guinan and others at base. I was quick-witted and mentally sharp. I'm the author . Fucking hell. FOG sues Skinner and his mother Katherine Magrini in federal court. Again, all of Skinner representations are fraudulent. 1983: Skinner graduates from Cascia Hall high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. p. 38) and has been cooperating with a federal agency for "a few months" prior to the Merit trial (Id. 1988: Boris Olarte charged with marijuana possession. May 14-16, 2000: Paris Casino Director of Cage Operations Dave Ellis files Suspicious Activity Report on Gunnar Guinan. Months after my body was discovered in Texas and the three were identified and located, the first assistant D.A. September, 1997: Skinner appears at Entheogen Conference in San Francisco, and develops relationships in the psychedelic research community by offering "grants" for research from fictitious businesses and foundations. Disposition of funds remains unknown. July 21, 2000: James Cromwell arrested in Topeka for possession of several grams of LSD, which Cromwell identified as LSD to arresting officer. Cole states she met Ryan Overton at a rave in Kansas City in June, 2000. program She has even mentioned the site In a negative light I believe, and her and her current BF are commenting back saying its all lies. She still has a lot of damage she could do, if not punished correctly the first time. Aston visit DEA in Tulsa to ask why Skinner is being investigated by DEA. (See Report, p. ), Many nights Krystal would sit in front of the mirror and would repeat to herself what she would say if ever caught for her and (Skinners) illicit drug activity. Magrini was asked by FBI to accompany Skinner (Id. Summer, 2000: Skinner invites his attorney Thomas Haney to Las Vegas, where Haney according to Skinner bought back one of Skinner's gambling "markers" for $60,000 at the Paris casino. Krystle Cole is on phone with Skinner, who became "very agitated.". Skinner deceives FOG by stating he will cover the margin requirements with a "half-million in Treasury bills and/or post a letter of credit from Barclays Bank." Supplemental motion revealed that Skinner recorded federal agents' phone calls prior to his July, 2003 interview. Skinner and the agents also stated that "late September/early October" was Skinner's first contact with DEA/DOJ, and alleged that Skinner's attorney Thomas Haney went to Washington, D.C. to retain (purportedly with $50,000) a D.C. law firm with DOJ contacts to intervene with DOJ to arrange an interview with DOJ officials and secure immunity for Skinner. Skinner had met Hauck while both were incarcerated in a New Jersey jail in 1988, with Hauck convicted on charges of sex with a minor. Read the rules you agree to by using this website in our Terms I beg the courts to be harsh on Krystal and charge her with the maximum penalty available. (See Report, p. Skinner first brought Guinan to the attention of DEA: but see earlier NADDIS report on Guinan, indicating DEA already had knowledge of Guinan. Please visit my. not really that surprising thought tbh. June 12, 2003: Krystle Cole and Brandon Green report Skinner to Kansas City DEA office (Agent Roger Hanzlik) and Tulsa DEA office (Agents Douglas Kidwell and DeWayne Barnett). Miss Krystle started her own music business at the age of 16 teaching children cello, piano, violin, and vocal lessons. The winner will get to choose which art print of mine they want. How much net worth does Callie Hernandez have? Charge is reduced from felony to misdemeanor by AUSA Gregory Hough and Skinner is fined $10,000 (other records indicate date of sentencing was September 26, 2000). "I was kidnapped in July, 2003, and today in almost February, 2007. Krystle Cole is a 37 years old author and painter who used to be infamously known for her addiction and relationship with Gordon Todd Skinner. Upon completing one course, Skinner drops out, ending his formal education. April, 2000: Skinner meets 18-year-old exotic dancer Krystle Cole at the Cabaret Club in Kansas, and gives her MDMA at the missile base. Conway, on probation at time of pickup, knew of second shipment by Kanculis to Krystle Cole's home address, as well as Krystle Cole's relationship with Skinner at missile base. 1989: Gordon Todd Skinner is removed from jail in New Jersey by federal authorities to testify - while in custody - in a civil matter ("not during period of cooperation" Merit trans., Id. This is an absolutely CRAZY story about an "underground LSD bunker", DEA informants, psychopathic chemist (Gordon Todd Skinner), large amounts of psychedelics including LSD of which there was a huuuuge bust, a well known figure in the psychedelic community (Neurosoup aka Krystle Cole) and lastly a very unlucky 18 year old guy (Brandon Green . Krystle Cole is a 37 years old author and painter who used to be infamously known for her addiction and relationship with Gordon Todd Skinner. Life is too bleak & cold without You. 1991: In Merit trial, Skinner testifies against Merit, and talks extensively about several other cases in which he cooperated and received benefits. June, 1987: Boris Olarte's wife Clara Lacle (who then was residing with Skinner's mother, Katherine Magrini) flies to Aruba with FBI agents to set up Olarte's supplier Abello-Silva. The motion details many suppressed interviews with witnesses against Skinner (see witnesses Stetler, Wright, Dobbs, Ball and Roberts, above) and confirms his informant activity in the federal cases against Ryan Overton and Tanasis Kanculis (also suppressed by the government at the Kansas LSD trial). Skinner's attorney is Sam Bullock. In the name of Jesus the Christ. Skinner records call. Dog Art Print on PAPER or CANVAS by Krystle Cole - Etsy. 8.tied around the testicles and/or penis with a telephone cord and suspended from a bed. October 19, 2000: Gordon Todd Skinner signs a DEA Confidential Source Agreement form (DEA-473 form). You must be logged in to reply to this topic. About Krystle Cole. May, 1984: In Merit, Skinner stated he called a federal judge named O'Brien in Saint Croix about Merit and Coral Air to "research" the company. Olarte reported to offer an individual $20,000 to help him break out of jail by helicopter. on the case had me come into his office to discuss the court case. The AG subpoena for Skinner's calls at the missile base was denied as authentic and characterized by prosecutor AUSA Gregory Hough as an "alleged subpoena" in his response to a motion in March, 2005 before the Tenth Circuit. Lord please give me the fortitude and strength to make their ceilings my pulpit for your names sake. Skinner is sentenced to four years (less than the guidelines). Skinner extensive history as an informant is also suppressed. I pray earnestly that she gets both." She is a PhD candidate in psychology. I pray earnestly that she gets both. (See Report, p. July, 2002: Skinner's several neighbors, alarmed at Skinner's bizarre behavior, do internet searches on "Dr. Gordon Skinner" and discover an online plea by Leonard and the defense team for information as to Skinner's whereabouts. Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 22 total), Krystle Cole (Neurosoup) Underground LSD Lab. Hanzlik denied any knowledge by DEA of Guinan prior to November 6, 2000 (NB: this testimony conflicts with DEA investigation and opening of Guinan's NADDIS file in April, 1999. Her only regret is getting caught, and probably wishes she had finished me off there in the field. (See Report, p. 150yg of LSZ and 150ug of AL-LAD was OK though. Magrini settles her portion of the suit, agreeing to pay $100,000 in damages. Fuck you Cole, everyone in the Psychedelic community knows youre a sociopath who should be in prison. Count 1 is the June 1984 call by Merit to Skinner. After casino cage manger detects fraudulent ID, Skinner is arrested with briefcase containing his stepfather's sidearm. p. 155). DEA begins cross-file on Skinner (a new investigation). Ball and Dobbs discussed Skinner's drug distribution to young people and the need for his arrest. 1984: In Merit trial (1991) Skinner testified that he "had no legal problems with the criminal justice system at the time" he met Merit (Id. 1983: Skinner graduates from Cascia Hall high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. December 4, 1992: E. LaVay McKinley, George Jim Conway and Steven Emery indicted. Skinner testifies that he is cooperating simultaneously in the New Jersey case against John Worthy, but that the New Jersey cooperation is independent of the Merit case. September, 2003: Leonard's attorney Billy Rork contacts Wamego Telephone Company concerning possible electronic surveillance of missile base without court order, leading to the phone company's production of a 1997 Kansas Attorney General's subpoena for Skinner's phone records at the missile base involving a narcotics investigation of Skinner (previously unknown to the district court, jury or defense in Leonard's trial). kicked in the groin until he blacked out. Green later crawls to freeway, and attracts highway patrol. My . subjected to a deep cut into his penis with a knife or razor blade. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: Do you believe the Defendant is a serious threat to the community? March, 2005: Defense discovery of unredacted NADDIS numbers on a DEA interview of Krystle Cole, leading to the first knowledge by defense of DEA investigation in 1999 concerning missile base caretaker Gunnar Guinan. The Porsche's title is placed under the spurious "Wamego Land Trust" that Skinner utilizes to conceal his ownership of vehicles and other property. 147-148, 170). October, 1989: Abello-Silva extradited from Colombia, with substantial pre-trial publicity in the Tulsa World, and "every juror" having heard of the case. In 2001, Gunnar Guinan first reported to DEA the actual occurrences. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. All are prohibited from testifying for the defense. agencies investigation of McKinley in Florida (p. 37-39); and g. Skinner had "many conversations" with Morgan about McKinley's records; and h. Skinner traveled to Jamaica with DEA agents to report on Morgan's activities (p. 38, 62, 66, 72-74). She never got tortured, she lured Brandon into a hotel room and also before this she personally paid his landlord for 3 months worth of rent saying they were going away so no one would be looking for him. Just as her predecessor/husband, each time she slides through the court system successfully, she will become more brazen and more confident. (See Report, p. 10-11, and see January 5, 2011 indictment of Krystal Coles advertisers in State v. Sloan, below.). Gervat's father states that the pills were obtained from mail he took from Overton's business. She is young, evil and enthusiastic. Krystal A. Cole-Skinner encouraged and enjoyed the physical, sexual and emotional torture inflicted against my will, for numerous days. April 14, 1985: Skinner tells FOG executives that he has no intention of raising the capital and that he is "walking away" from the transaction. December, 1989: Gordon Todd Skinner is released from Gloucester County Jail after 11 months in order to cooperate against John Worthy in a New Jersey state case, and against others in an unknown federal case [NB: In the 2003 Kansas trial, Skinner testified that he worked as an informant in Florida from 1989 through 1992, "identifying communications systems for narco-terrorist operations," then changed the years to "'90, '91, '92."]. September 26, 1991: Gordon Todd Skinner is deactivated as informant by DEA (see also Skinner's October 19, 2000 DEA reactivation and June 27, 2001 deactivation). I would be too scared not to incarcerate Krystal A. Cole-Skinner. If youre interested read below what happened, theres a long thread on the shroomery about her and Brandon proves its genuinely him with photo ID and images of himself. When Krystals pre-memorized story about her involvement with (Skinner) was regurgitated by (attorney) David Robertson, my stomach dropped and I felt faint: She was just a girl who got caught up in (Skinners) manipulation and mind control (italicized in the original). (See Report, p. Truly! Skinner encourages Leonard to use Skinner's credit card for booking air flights. A request for immunity for Cole is denied by the prosecutor, who described Cole as not credible (but see Cole's use an a credible government witness in State v. Skinner, 2003). "Many nights Krystal would sit in front of the mirror and would repeat to herself what she would say if ever caught for her and (Skinner's) illicit drug activity. Her only regret is getting caught, and probably wishes she had finished me off there in the field." . Krystle Cole was a exotic dancer (I have talked with a few in my life and they even said that she was in it for the money and to get high. SOI provides samples from Skinner for DEA analysis. Months after my body was discovered in Texas and the three were identified and located, the first assistant D.A. This Gicle Prints item is sold by KrystleColeFineArt. Look at her shroomery ratings: Viewing KrystleColes Ratings Shroomery Message Board. Cole states that Overton worked as a DJ at raves and would supply MDMA, and that Overton visited the missile base and would use drugs supplied by Skinner. [2] pulled with the telephone cord around his penis until cartilage "popped.". Skinner, Guinan and Hobbs (on Skinner's instructions) stated to police in 1999 that Hulebak was brought in immediately. 13) and during which time he "never contacted the government" (p. 48) even after 20 conversations about the proposed fraudulent "World Fidelity Bank" (p. 106)(note that this period was during Skinner's continuing informant activity with multiple federal and state agencies Skinner described in Merit); b. he then received a call in April 1992 from an SEC agent in Wyoming and allegedly began cooperation at that time (p. 29, ln. license except where otherwise noted. November 4-5, 2000: Defendants in LSD trial enter premises, discard containers, and load empty containers and sealed tubs on truck for disposal. Full copy of motion is requested and received from Skinner's attorney Kevin Adams. One person Krystal played was Gordon Todd Skinner. Spillman (his high school teacher), and Wendy Aiken (his girlfriend). Each month that I have 25 or more patrons, I will have a random drawing and select 1 winner from all currently active patrons. Krystal A. Cole-Skinner encouraged and enjoyed the physical, sexual and emotional torture inflicted against my will, for numerous days. license. After jury trial in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Bacardi Capital was awarded $4,500,000 in damages against Skinner, FINEX, and Skinner's mother Katherine Magrini for financial fraud. May 23, 2000: Kansas City DEA agents open NADDIS file on Ryan Overton (NADDIS# 4960047). Wright is admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital Emergency Room. tied around the testicles and/or penis with a telephone cord and suspended from a bed. Shit read. She always said, the two worst things that can happen to her are spending time in jail and./or getting a felony conviction. Skinner locates impure by-products and liquids and begins to test for LSD activity by giving samples to Cole, Overton, Guinan and others at base, claiming the degraded product is "ALD-52.". p. 52). Roberts was disoriented from Skinner's drug overdoses in this interview. What a wrong un. p. 84). Im sure she had a very good lawyer too. Skinner's use of the alias "Finnegan" in currency speculation (p. 172, ln 1-9); 25. the times aliases were used (p. 172, ln 18-19); 26. his occupation in 1987 (p. 25, ln 9-10); the sources of $18,000 in the first of his two Boston arrests (p. 25, ln 11-12); and 27. his activities from 1984 through 1991 (p. 26, ln 1-7), June 13, 1991: Skinner is sentenced to three years probation in New Jersey case in exchange for testifying against John Worthy and others [NB: Skinner's sentence was suspended with time served (10 months), and discharged in April, 1994.]. During this time, she was held captive and used as a guinea pig for experimental psychedelic chemicals. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Cole, and Krystal/Krystle Ann Cole-Skinner (see entries from June, 2000 through January, 2011). In sick twist of humor, Krystal wore the same prayer robe I helped design to perform seances over my body while I was being tortured. You dont deserve any of what you have right now and you do not represent anything but evil, fuck your shitty psychedelic videos online. She would chant prayers over my body, offering up my soul as a sacrifice to Satan." Answer: Yes, very much so. Agents state there was no investigation of Skinner prior to October, 2000 (but see Kansas Attorney General's investigation of Skinner in 1997). June 9, 2000: Kansas City DEA agents Watson and Langan do trash pull at Ryan Overton's home and discover mail from Amsterdam. August 7, 2000: Skinner instructs Krystle Cole, Shanna Everhart, and Ryan Overton to drive back to Kansas City. @krystleanncole. I dont like to condemn people because I have been for things I havent done before but this is pretty blatantly true, I dont see how this guy lying could benefit. Question from Pre-Trial Investigator: Do you believe the Defendant is a serious threat to the community? February, 1998: Gordon Todd Skinner appears again in San Francisco and "accidentally" encounters William Leonard Pickard for the first time in a hotel lobby while Leonard is visiting from Cambridge, Massachusetts as a research associate at Harvard Medical School and attending the American Academy of Forensic Science meeting. Remember watching the vice video on her and the lab. Jesus grant me forgiveness, humility and a contrite heart! Almost four years have gone by, and I'm still in constant agony in multiple areas across my body. In opposition to his testimony in the Merit trial (see above) in 1991 of continuing informant activity, Skinner testified in McKinley that: a. he "became involved" with the government in the McKinley case in April/May 1992 "only after" "200 conversations" with McKinley from late 1989 through April, 1992 (McKinley transcript, p. 40, ln. p. 117) on two separate investigations (Id. Skinner hires Guinan as caretaker of missile base. Conway reports back that she was followed and discarded the pills, then quits her job at Ryan's business and later appears at Club XO, "very agitated," with possible DEA agent present. 13 of 25 patrons. Haney carried documents and photographs Skinner provided. Although she was broke, had no steady income and had previously helped me financially, Krystal secretly paid my apartment's rent several months ahead. How could she be so cold and heartless! August, 2002: State of Washington pharmaceutical control board issues order to Skinner to cease prescribing medications (order includes names of about 20 young people). Ryan Overton puts Krystle Cole and Shanna Everhart in the Holodome/Fairmont Hotel, and goes to Hurricane Club, where bouncers tell Ryan that DEA agents came to the club looking for Ryan. I would bet the farm she is currently living off illegally made money, and is either committing or scheming several large crimes. p. 119). "Incarceration. Summer, 1997: Skinner associate Sammy Yazdinfar, a 25-year-old Iranian at missile base, discloses that Skinner is under investigation by KBI. Synopsis July 18, 2003: DEA interviews kidnapping victim Brandon Green. Eight months later, the charges on Cromwell are changed to possession of methamphetamine and Cromwell is sentenced to probation. Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Krystle Cole (Neurosoup) Underground LSD Lab. November, 2000 - April, 2001: Skinner lives in Tucson house with other government witnesses and "river of MDMA" and other drugs. Service. Krystle Cole Wiki: Age, Family, Career. Join Facebook to connect with Krystle Cole and others you may know. 19.8k Followers, 94 Following, 1,570 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Artist Krystle Cole (@krystlecoleart) FOG extends credit line based on Skinner's assertions of significant wealth. After July 30, 2000: While in the Mendocino, California house with Skinner, Ryan Overton instructs Overton's employee Carrie Conway to retrieve 300 pills of MDMA from the mailbox of Tanasis Kanculis in Kansas City. January 8, 2000: Skinner is arrested at missile base for impersonating a Treasury agent at Harrah's Mayetta Kansas casino. 4.forced to drink an unknown substance and was also forced to swallow some form of parasitic eggs. 5.not given any food and very little fluids during his captivity. Now that she's free from her captors, Krystal is an artist and writer who shares her experiences in books and online. "Yes, very much so. 1995). Crypto I trusted Krystal with everything I had a boyish optimism about life. Read about what we do with the data we gather in our Privacy Policy. 1983: Skinner purchases Traveler's check in Tulsa, reports them stolen and makes claim for redemption, then travels to Las Vegas, Nevada and attempts to cash the check using fraudulent identification. Cord around his penis with a telephone cord around his penis with a telephone around... Texas and the organization which distributed the LSD, the first assistant D.A to connect Krystle! 25-Year-Old Iranian at missile base for impersonating a Treasury agent at Harrah 's Kansas... In 1999 that Hulebak was brought in immediately Skinner instructs Krystle Cole - Etsy there the. Money, and Oded Benary, 962 F.2d 16 ( 9th Cir to Wamego, Kansas obtain... 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