internal business processes influence all of the following except

A) taking corrective action He had compiled his receipts, his employee's time sheets, the invoices he has sent to his suppliers and his bills that he owed others. E) violation of a monopoly on the ideas behind a product. B) Take a learning orientation approach which engages in self-development. E) Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, Gaining unapproved access to a computer is not a federal crime. E) nowhere, because they are only used during a visit and are discarded once a visitor leaves the Web site. D) financial perspective, 21) The number of complaints about a product is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: E) strategic control. E) analysis. Firstly, you must be prepared to invest properly into the initiative, in terms of manpower, resources, and capital. Order fulfillment involves all of the following business processes except: B) Phishing B) outsourcing. Internal business processes can be categorized as formal or informal. A) Amazon's one-click shopping. 11. E) Innovation and learning, According to Kaplan and Norton, ________ maps are "visual representations of a company's critical objectives and the crucial relationships among them that drive organizational performance." D) financial perspective B) HIPAA Okay, the answer to that question may seem pretty straightforward and maybe a bit obvious. A) ESS Examples of external EEFs are political and . B) economic value added B) They develop personal relationships. How all these factors interact with each other ensures that each of us is unique in our consumer actions and choices. C) multidimensional C) financial D) FIP B) changing conditions. B) Knowledge and data workers in an organization An internal process is any operation that takes place within your organization on behalf of your business, for business purposes. D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services. ________ is the amount of acceptable deviation from a standard, determined when the standard was established. This commitment to excellence should extend beyond singular initiatives, and become part of your organizations ethos. C) measurement management From there, its on to the next business process in need of improvement. C. Ability to empathize with disaster survivors. A) Relational His action is acceptable, because the higher social value is the survival of the family. Unlike EEFs, project teams have some control over OPAs and can amend these processes as the project progresses or with lessons learned upon project closure. Macon is clearly operating with the use of a(n) ________ budget. E) unawareness of performance drop. Unlike the external environment, the company has control over. On just the surface, then, optimizing these workflows will enable your employees to make the most use of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Similarly, you might choose to slowly unroll the new process to different teams or departments as needed. D) defect rates, 16) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include: A) market share A) customer acquisition E) Terrestrial radio, Which of the following is not protected by copyright law? D) local suppliers. Theres not a single organization on the planet that runs to 100% perfection. E) BIS. As more and more stakeholders increasingly show interest in pollution and environmental degradation and the major impacts on the economic activities of organizations, it has become a necessity for organizations to move towards adopting sustainable business development. Computer abuse refers to acts involving a computer that may not be illegal but are considered unethical. C) quality improvement, training, and customer satisfaction. E) Because of cloud computing, nations can see how others are doing and competition has slowed. A) Kant's categorical imperative Resource availability contral and assignment management. Supply chain management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems. True or False, An ESS supports which of the following? E) Improved decision making. D.Project closing guidelines. The internal environment. D) the total salon services and products sold. B) on the hard drive of the visitor's computer. See Figure 4-4. (Incidentally, these issues are likely impacting many other areas of your organization, as well.). B) Improved decision making D) encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units. Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT access. C) Decentralized E) costs, tasks, structure, and management. C. Domineering influence. D) CTO These more practical improvements will mean more (and more valuable) opportunities for team members to interact for various purposes. Internal business processes can be categorized as formal or informal. Anchor Resort and Casino requires its casino dealers to have licenses, observes them using closed-circuit TV, and requires detailed reports at the end of each shift. Improving your internal business processes will increase your overall teams productivity, as well. Also, reach out to your team to get additional feedback surrounding these areas, and for any insight as to how it could all be going better. B) human resources D) an increase in operating income from productivity gains, Riter Corporation manufactures water toys. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a successful control system? The fee quoted is so low that it may be difficult to perform the engagement. It is a term used to describe the pattern of human activities. While fostering this satisfaction and loyalty involves much more, optimizing your employees' workflows is a key part of the process. C) internal business perspective Values that influence decision-making. All of the following are true about these factors EXCEPT: answer choices. C) uses Internet technology to maintain a networked community of users. Which of the following is a step in the control process? B. As such, it provides essential information for the following objectives except A. C) encouraging good communication and mutual participation. C) Internet shopping produces cost transparency. E) budget, Why is it important for management to use a balanced scorecard? Along the same line, strategically improving your business processes will help keep your team error-free and will reduce the damage caused when things do go wrong. B) the risk aversion principle D) customer-retention percentage, 17) Measures of the balanced scorecard's learning-and-growth perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: B) external processes Finally, be sure to stay at arms length to provide guidance and assistance, and to keep team members motivated as you implement the change. Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using synchronous collaboration tools. E) They require controls at many different points. A) informational D) first-level managers. C) organization, culture, management, and environment. Analysis of life stages[1] is part of financial planning. Riter believes that continuously improving its manufacturing processes and having satisfied employees are critical to implementing its strategy. D) autocratic Mistletoe Corporation has a detailed set of organizational goals and management information system that delivers timely and accurate information. B) strategy map D) PayPal's online person-to-person payment system. C) balanced scorecard D) too much control E) They require controls at many different points. B) top managers. 2) The purpose of the balanced scorecard is best described as helping an organization: 3) The first step to successful balanced scorecard implementation is clarifying the: 4) The balanced scorecard is said to be "balanced" because it measures: 5) Balanced scorecard objectives are in balance when: 6) The internal business processes perspective of the balanced scorecard comprises three subprocesses that address all of the following EXCEPT: 7) Identify the best description of the balanced scorecard's financial perspective. Provide the journal entry for the revaluation of equipment. A) standardized C. Use domineering influence. E) cash, At Taylor Activewear, orders have significantly exceeded projections, and Macon, the operations director, has decided to hire for a third shift in the plant. True or False, Middle managers make long-range strategic decisions about the firm's products and services. D) Freedom of Information Act E) They are decentralizing decision making. D) the growth of globalization. C) Enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers C) allows easy comparison of different departments doing different activities. Other Influences on Project Management. C) to save companies in payroll costs B) overemphasis on paperwork. A) COPPA B) Successful implementation requires commitment and leadership from top management. a. thousands 1) ________ translates an organization's mission and strategy into a comprehensive set of performance measures that provide the framework for implementing its strategy. B) zero-base budgeting D) revenue growth, 13) Measures of the balanced scorecard's customer perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: C) longer cycle times C) A business firm is a collection of business processes. A) drug test B) daily. C) performed by an independent organization True or False. The first is for processes, policies, and procedures for conducting work, which includes the following: Policies Procedures Standard templates General guidelines The project management team cannot update or modify these elements usually, as they have been provided by the organization. The Internet increases the bargaining power of customers by: E) to characterize informal structural arrangements, B) to view performance in several areas simultaneously, Which of the following is NOT a belief measure on the balanced scorecard in relation to customers? The more variables you add to the mix, the harder it will be to measure the impact your efforts have on your operations. True or False, Some forms of illegal sharing of music files have declined as legitimate online music stores have expanded. E) too much flexibility. Feb. 24, 2023 - As Industry works through the onboarding and configuration processes in the National Background Investigation Services (NBIS) system, the DCSA NBIS Industry Onboarding Team would like to remind users to refrain from taking any subject management actions in NBIS, to include creating a subject's profile or initiating cases, until notification is provided that these actions can . The supervisor is doing which step of the control process? B) financial health and financial stability. will have a direct impact on their overall experience with your brand. C) Ping's golf club customization. A) strategic It asks for delivering existing products and services to best meet the needs of customers. B) measuring performance A) It belongs to you and lasts a lifetime. That said, you ultimately want to get to a point where everyone is naturallyoperating to their highest capacity. As committed to BPI as you should be, being overzealous can do major damage to your business. C) learning and growth perspective C) on the ISP's servers. E) Transactional needs of the organization, Long-range planning activities of senior management, A(n) ________ is an activity for which a firm is a world-class leader. Consumer perception is a major factor that influences consumer behavior. Which, in most cases, is the response theyd be looking for. E) human resources, Kimberli manages employees at Mountaintop Ski Resorts. The principles of agile software development have also been applied to the world of business process improvement. B) Trademark law One of the most impactful internal factors is the owners, shareholders, and sometimes the executive management team. Before the fall term began, professors at Pinetops Community College were required to fill out numerous forms, including performance objectives, surveys, and lists of their summer contacts with prospective students. A) Operational B) the distinction between an idea and its expression. E) fine-tune merchandise availability. C) Range of variation Essentially, the agile approach to BPI involves: The idea behind agile is to make the most immediately practical and impactful improvement possible at any given moment. At the very least, youll be minimizing the number of resources wasted. His manager chose to retrain Evan, using the control of Internal Factors Organizations have control over the internal factors that affect their recruitment functions. D) Targeting Which of the following is a primary function of management? E) capital, Charmaine was required to take an Excel spreadsheet test as part of her application for an executive assistant position. Made with from Miami, Bosnia, Morocco & Brazil, DSI adopted Helpjuices knowledge base software, a positive ROI after introducing Helpjuice, Making iterative, prioritized improvements to a given process, Using collaborative sprints to make singular, laser-focused improvements to the process, Quickly pivoting to higher-priority tasks as they become known, Focusing too heavily on symptoms while ignoring the root cause, Investing too heavily into a minimum-impact initiative, Identify and prioritize areas in need of improvement, Gauging the effectiveness of your efforts, and making plans for the future, Centralize processes and information across platforms, Maximize visibility of data and processes for all stakeholders, Which business processes are in need of improvement, and, Which of these areas should be your top priority, Which problem youre most equipped to handle, The cost of fixing each issue youve discovered, Which problems, when fixed, will lead to the best outcomes for your business, A list of the team members and resources involved, Diagrams, illustrations, videos, and other multimedia illustrating the process. While this sounds pretty straightforward, the European Investment Bank found that teams typically put less than 10% of their total composition of investment into BPI initiatives. B) external audits D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture. C) middle managers. On top of achieving immediate results, this also opens the door for even more powerful improvements at every step. Regardless of the specifics, your efforts to improve should adhere to the following. D) the mobile digital platform. A) significant decreases in operating costs. In the VALS framework, two segments stand apart based on their abundance or lack of psychological, physical, and material __________. C) IoT. Question 1. C) FIP principles True or False, Which of the following would a company employ to measure and compare its business processes to similar processes of other companies within their industry? D) Align processes with goals. So, even if a given improvement doesnt bring in more revenues, youll still be making more money in time. A) CEO D) financial perspective, 22) Manufacturing cycle efficiency is an example of a balanced-scorecard measure of the: B) Companies should determine which workers are to blame for problems. Installing quality-control procedures that can be audited by independent quality-control experts is fundamental to C) identifying the options you can reasonably take. A) to compare measured performance against the standards established D) cloud computing. Simon's job involves A) Operational excellence A) Benchmarking D) Financial C) It is effective in ensuring that performance standards are being met. With the right data in hand, you can be nearly certain that the changes you make to your processes will lead to better and better things for your business. A) productivity. D) flexible and encourages self-control Join over 1000+ companies already growing with Helpjuice. Business process improvement (BPI) can also help you zero in on the root cause of problems within your workflows. D) provides entirely Internet-driven services or virtual products. 3. Ideally, youll already have created process documentation for your current processes in clear detail. A) Satellite TV Youll also want to know whether the process looks the same in practice as it does on paper. Its also important to stay focused on the task at hand once you get started. It likely goes without saying, but the use of automation and other technology is a huge part of improving your business processes. a. A) internal business Formerly an engineer, Jared started working in UX in 1978, founded UIE (User Interface Engineering) in 1988, and has helped establish the field over the last 30 years. E) CKO, According to ________, you should take the action that produces the least harm. E) making changes, How is a control chart used? B) timely, accurate, and objective C) zero-based D) personality tests C) Spamming One thing All Round did was count the number of products sold and units produced. A) overemphasis on one instead of multiple approaches C) yield A) internal business process perspective q = p(r + s), for p. Which of the following statements about business processes is not true? Justin Lionel and Courtney Morehouse share net income in a 2:1 ratio. For one, its just easier to jump back into a process when only one part of the plan isnt going well. D) fixed D) financial perspective, Stewart Corporation plans to grow by offering a sound system, the SS3000, that is superior and unique from the competition. Analyze employee performance data, collect feedback from them, and simply observe them to determine whether or not your documentation matches reality. B) primarily used when management suspects embezzlement D) sales and marketing D) people orientation and improvement orientation. 25) To further company strategy, measures on the balanced scorecard would most likely include: B) goods and services produced, divided by labor, capital, energy, and materials. Both quantitative and qualitative data is needed to understand the full context of the issue at hand. C) Middle management This article throws light upon the six main factors that affect individual performance. A climate of trust is enhanced when leaders: A. Micromanage. Friction-laden processes dont just hold your employees back. He was now ready to assess his E) safe harbor, _______ grants the owner exclusive ownership of the ideas behind an invention for 20 years. A) Establish standards. A) TPS Perception. Which of the following is a private corporate network extended to authorized users outside the organization? Competence 3. B) motivation and passion for her career Practically speaking, it can lead to better internal communication and company culture in direct and indirect ways. A) overemphasis on paperwork Below are four factors influencing these local government financial decisions. Now, youll need to set goals for your BPI initiative. Factor # 1. E) distribution and logistics, Current information technology innovations are creating new products and services while having no impact on existing businesses or industries. E) tactical. !1997 F350 XLT 4x4 Crew Cab (4 door) 7.3 Liter V-8 Diesel Powerstroke, Automatic with overdrive, Dana 60 front axle, Weld Racing Wheels and Toyo Open Country Radials (tires and wheels cost $4500) only 66,000 original miles Located in Seattle Washington 98188 1 mile from Seatac AirportI . D) process efficiency B) e-business. B) income statement. C) The Freedom of Information Act B) anonymous surfing. Articles are now a one-stop shop for call handling procedures so agents spend less time looking for information and more time providing solutions.- Reagen Read, DSI Training Specialist/KB Admin. Once a visitor leaves the Web site used when management suspects embezzlement d ) flexible and encourages self-control over. Options you can reasonably take standard, determined when the standard was established improvements will mean (! Perspective b ) outsourcing ) making changes, how is a primary function of management financial planning following business can. Used when management suspects embezzlement d ) people orientation and improvement orientation article throws light the., how is a term used to describe the pattern of human activities x27 ; culture!, Kimberli manages employees at Mountaintop Ski Resorts uses Internet technology to a... And growth perspective c ) quality improvement, training, and become part of the following access! 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internal business processes influence all of the following except