thomas more and margaret pole relationship

She was born on the 14th August 1473 and married Sir Richard Pole in 1491, having five children before she was widowed in 1505. EDWARD STAFFORD, THIRD DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM, eldest son of Henry Stafford, second Duke of Buckingham, was born at Brecknock Castle on 3 Feb. 1477-8. Fortunately for the old cardinal, he died before the king could kill him. Margaret if it is she wears coral and ermine. As Countess of Salisbury, Margaret managed her lands well and by 1538 she was the fifth richest peer in England. Margaret, warned of the threat he represented to her own interests and life, said: I trow he is not so unhappy that he will hurt his mother, and yet I care neither for him, nor for any other, for I am true to my Prince., At this point she was questioned rigorously by Henrys councillor William Fitzwilliam. He dictated letter after letter. Thomas More, Thomas Morus ou Toms Moro [1] (Londres, 7 de fevereiro de 1478 Londres, 6 de julho de 1535) foi filsofo, homem de estado, diplomata, escritor, advogado e homem de leis, ocupou vrios cargos pblicos, e em especial, de 1529 a 1532, o cargo de "Lord Chancellor" (Chanceler do Reino - o primeiro leigo em vrios sculos) de Henrique VIII da Inglaterra. The charge was treason. The French ambassador said she was above eighty years old when Henry VIII had her beheaded, while the Imperial ambassador said she was nearly ninety. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon in 1509 and Margaret was again appointed as one of her ladies-in-waiting. Whether the countess was up to this is hard to say, but later the Imperial ambassador was to declare that Mary regarded her as a second mother. The next year, the late king's marriage was declared invalid by the statute Titulus Regius of 1484, making his children illegitimate. Perhaps the contrast with the quiet, gentle Jane was too striking. I decided to investigate anemometers, because I wanted to look at different ways of measuring wind speed. And as his own reputation grew in London, he attracted the notice of the all-powerful Cardinal Wolsey. Margaret Pole, as she was now styled, was held in the Tower of London for two-and-a-half years. Best Known For: Thomas More is known for his 1516 book . He blundered badly, hacking at Margaret's neck and shoulders until she was dead. Katharine was the kings true wife. In practice, pre-nuptial agreements, trusts and the legally sanctioned breach of entails created some flexibility. Family solidarity, the code of survival, did not mean much to Reginald, brought up under an alien roof; if he were to lose his earthly family, he said, he would still have the fellowship of the saints in paradise. Edward was then brought out and displayed briefly to the public. Since Margaret and her brother, Edward, were debarred from the throne by their father's attainder, their uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, was offered the crown and became king as Richard III. Margaret Pole. A third account in Burke's Peerage, possibly apocryphal, described the appalling circumstances of the execution. Margaret was a daughter of George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence and Isabella Neville. She was married to James IV of Scotland from 1503-1513, which united the royal houses of England and Scotland. The sitter might as well be carved, for all she suggests flesh or circulating blood. Pole, niece of both Edward IV and Richard III, was the only woman apart from Anne Boleyn to hold a peerage in her own right during the . The barrel, though, may have been strung on Margaret after her death. And his old friend, the duke of Norfolk, took care to warn him of his danger, Indignatio principis mors est. To which More famously replied, Is that all, my lord? Margaret and Richard Pole had five children, born between about 1492 and 1504: four sons and the youngest a daughter. This was an obvious lie; More had never said anything of the sort to any other visitor, why Rich? European rulers keen to destabilise England had promoted the claims of this plausible, glamorous young man, but by the summer of 1498 he was in the Tower, about to embark on the last act of his mysterious life. We do not know. 28 Little Russell Street Margarets later life, at least, is well documented, but we cannot approach her story from the inside. But and of course this clause was added simply to trap More the Act also required a repudiation of any foreign authority, prince or potentate. More could recognize Anne as the crowned queen of England. The little Earl of Warwick remained alive and shut away. Margarets whole family had been elevated with her on the wheel of fortune. It did not matter. In 1529, he represented Henry VIII in Paris, persuading the theologians of the Sorbonne to support Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon. She was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 1886 as a martyr.Occupation:Lady-in-waiting to Catherine of Aragon, manager of her estates as Countess of Salisbury.Dates:August 14, 1473 May 27, 1541Also known as: Margaret of York, Margaret Plantagenet, Margaret de la Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Margaret Pole the Blessed. Their old friendship was past; the kings new advisors were anti-Catholic and pro-Protestant, most notably among them was Thomas Cromwell. His crusade against his native land was never launched, but many years later he would return, Archbishop of Canterbury to Mary Tudor, and join in heresy-hunting and the burning of reformers. But that was years in the future. Her early years are obscure. Those two could only get along for short while before things got heated. It was sumptuously furnished and built of brick a modern material but moated, crenellated, archaic in form. Bishop of Rochester, and Sir Thomas More, once Chancellor of England and a close royal friend, had both . No one would stage a rebellion in her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge. Mores piety was the defining aspect of his character; even as the circumstances of his life changed, it remained constant and unyielding. * Thomas Stafford (1531-4 May 1557) who was captured and executed for High Treason in Scarborough. On June 26, a special commission was established to hear the case of Thomas More. In April 1523, he was elected speaker of the House of Commons. Margaret remained in the Tower of London for more than two years. Mortons tax philosophy was a marvel of inescapable logic: If the subject is seen to live frugally, tell him because he is clearly a money saver of great ability, he can afford to give generously to the King. The most persistent of the pretenders who plagued Henry was Peter Warbeck (baptised Perkin by the regime to make him sound silly), who claimed to be Richard of York, the younger of the vanished princes. In 1520 Margaret was appointed governess to Henry's daughter Mary. After she had redeemed her dead brothers lands from the crown, she owned property in Calais, and estates in Wales and 17 English counties. ODNB, "Reginald Pole"; "Geoffrey Pole". The popular image is of a man principled, steadfast, courageous who placed his own conscience above his kings demands. Elizabeth Darrell, later Thomas Wyatts mistress, refused the oath; Lady Hussey, wife of one of Marys household, was imprisoned because she would not accept Marys exclusion from the succession and insisted on addressing her as a princess. Shortly thereafter, (probably in November 1487) Henry VII gave Margaret in marriage to his cousin, Sir Richard Pole, whose mother was a half-sister of the king's mother, Margaret Beaufort. Mores eldest daughter Margaret would become the first non-royal Englishwoman to publish a work in translation. [5] When Perkin Warbeck impersonated Edward IV's presumed-dead son, Richard of Shrewsbury, 1st Duke of York, in 1499, Margaret's brother Edward was attainted and executed for involvement in the plot. The Bishop of Rochester John Fisher is executed on the same charge. St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church in Bridge Gate, Derby, Our Lady and the English Martyrs' church in Cambridge. She served later as a governess to Mary. Her brothers royal blood, however, remained a danger. Link will appear as Hanson, Marilee. Lewis, Jone Johnson. In The Kings Curse (2014) she was ground up by the great fictionalising machine that is Philippa Gregory, and in 2003 she was the subject of a major biography by Hazel Pierce: Margaret Pole: Loyalty, Lineage and Leadership. There are panel paintings of Pole in the following churches: There are stained glass windows of Pole in the following churches: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Under the reign of Henry VIII on May 27th 1541, at the age of 67, Margaret Pole Countess of Salisbury was executed for treason. More had already begun writing his History of King Richard III as well; it is considered the first masterpiece of English history and is wholly pro-Tudor. He had an illegitimate son, called Henry Fitzroy, by one of his early mistresses. Henry still hoped for Mores support. Chapuys wrote that, "at first, when the sentence of death was made known to her, she found the thing very strange, not knowing of what crime she was accused, nor how she had been sentenced". Yesterday we travailed with the Lady of Salisbury all day before and after noon, till almost night. Sometimes the questioners were mild, sometimes roughly spoken, traitoring her and her sons to the ninth degree yet will she nothing utter. Margaret continued not uttering, or uttering no proof of treason. His decision to become a lay Christian now made, More quickly married. Geoffrey appealed to Thomas Cromwell, who had him arrested and interrogated. Contact was made with Warwick; a plot began, or perhaps was manufactured by agents provocateurs; just at this time, to increase the alarm of Henry Tudor, another Warwick impersonator showed his face in Kent. Despite such evidence of royal favor, it is likely that More chafed at his service to the king. At Bisham, where her forebears had founded a monastery, the remains of her executed brother lay with those of her grandfather the Kingmaker, slaughtered at the Battle of Barnet. Henry VII also decided, about that time, to marry the 15-year-old Margaret to his half-cousin, Sir Richard Pole. . And "Look," we say, "look, I'm anchored! Joan (Margaret) Pole ca 1333-Married toThomas Chaworth ca 1331-1373 Paternal grand-parents, uncles and aunts. Margaret de la Pole married Sir Robert de Neville, Sheriff of Yorkshire, Constable of Pontefract Castle, son of Sir Robert de Neville and Joan de Atherton, before September 1344. Cromwell was an astute politician whose beliefs changed at the whim of his royal master. Her father, already Duke of Clarence, was then created Earl of Salisbury and of Warwick. He read anything and everything he could find on the subject. Margaret was born into the England of the Wars of the Roses and was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, one of Edward IV 's younger brothers and was of the House of York. If my head should win him a castle in France, he told his son-in-law in 1525, it should not fail to go.). He grew up cultivated and cosmopolitan, sensitive, lively-minded. How to Be Tudor: Can a King Have Friends. His naivety meant that, when threats to the regime mounted, he was easily entrapped. The pilgrimage was an effort to organize a march on London to install a conservative Catholic government instead of Henry's increasingly Protestant-leaning one. And his patron Morton was infamous as the architect of that kings very successful and subsequently very unpopular tax policy. But three years into his reign, the young Henry VIII restored her to the greater part of her revenues and gave her back a family title, creating her Countess of Salisbury in her own right. London, WC1A 2HN But no one could be sure they were dead, and not escaped abroad, or living under assumed names. Montagu, Exeter, and Margaret were arrested in November 1538. Quite the opposite. Shrewsbury Cathedral, she is in the fourth window in front of John Fisher. By Caroline Hallemann Published: Nov 24, 2020 When Richard Pole died in 1504 Margaret had had to borrow money to give him a suitable funeral. Cardinal Wolsey and the king needed no further reason to bring More into the kings service. Margaret Pole ended up becoming a Catholic martyr. And so he was. Susan Higginbothams carefully written book comes with a misleading cover puff: At last, a biography of one of the most fascinating women of the Tudor period, who has too long been overlooked. The resulting trial was mere show; despite his impassioned and brilliant defense, no one ever expected More to be found anything other than guilty. (accessed March 1, 2023). He had been shut up for most of his life and, one later chronicler said, could not discern a goose from a capon. In: Ghosts and Hauntings. The threat seemed even greater by 1538, when the two great powers, France and the emperor, signed a peace treaty which left them free to turn their attention to the pariah nation. [23] Her remains were later uncovered when the chapel was renovated in 1876.[24][25]. On May 27th 1541, Margaret Pole, the 8th Countess of Salisbury was executed at the Tower of London. If, however, the subject lives a life of great extravagance, tell him he, too, can afford to give largely, the proof of his opulence being evident in his expenditure.. To ease the situation, Margaret devoted her third son, Reginald Pole, to the Church; he was to have an eventful career as a papal Legate and later as Archbishop of Canterbury. The trial of Sir Thomas More for treason opened in Westminster Hall on July 1, 1535. Here's how the cast of The Spanish Princess compares to their real-life counterparts, from Catherine to Margaret Pole. The boy, born in 1519, was welcome proof to Henry that he could father a son and that his lack of an heir was entirely Katharines fault. After Henry VIII and then his son Edward VI had died, and Mary I was queen, with the intention to restore England to Roman authority, Reginald Pole was appointed papal legate to England by the Pope. And so he was imprisoned in the Tower of London on 17 April 1534. The two children were of use to him; their maternal family, the Nevilles, commanded allegiance in the north. Her son Reginald described himself afterwards as son of a martyr and in 1886, Pope Leo XIII had Margaret Pole beatified as a martyr. In 1485, he was defeated and killed at the Battle of Bosworth by Henry Tudor, who succeeded him as Henry VII. I am no traitor, no, not I! It was time to be rid of Warwick. It was perfectly clear to any objective observer that the marriage was unlawful before God! The work was a marvel of learning and wit and wholly original; it was soon translated throughout the Continent and its author hailed as one of the foremost Humanist thinkers. Richard Pole held a variety of offices in Henry VII's government, the highest being Chamberlain for Arthur, Prince of Wales, Henry's elder son. "Margaret Pole, Tudor Matriarch and Martyr." In 1504, More was elected to Parliament and one of his first acts was to oppose Henry VIIs request of a grant of three-fifteenths. Was she, at this point or that, doing nothing of interest at all or was she doing everything, in a way that was almost supernaturally discreet? They had 1 son & 3 daughters: [1] Sir Thomas. Yet if you were to ask Mores contemporaries to describe him, their words would be as conflicted and contradictory as the man himself. His name was on the attainder and he was brought before the Privy Council in February 1534. Biography of Anne Neville, Wife and Queen of Richard III of England, Biography of Elizabeth Woodville, Queen of England, Biography of Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's Queen, Famous Mothers in History: Ancient Through Modern, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Father: George, Duke of Clarence, brother of king Edward IV and of Richard, Duke of Gloucester (later Richard III), Note: Cecily Neville, Margarets paternal grandmother, was a paternal aunt of Margarets maternal grandfather, Richard Neville. Henry and his ministers suspected Reginald of plotting to marry the kings daughter Mary, and unite her claim with his. The Editor Birth Year: 1478. There is no greater tale of a father and daughter relationship than the story of Sir Thomas More and his Dearest Meg, his eldest daughter Margaret. On 27th May, in 1541 Margaret Pole, niece of Richard III and Edward IV, was executed at the command of Henry VIII. 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thomas more and margaret pole relationship