lithuanian goddess names

The relics of the old polytheistic religion were already interwoven with songs, tales and other mythic stories. L'Aurora by Guido Reni, 1614, Casino dell'Aurora Pallavicini, Rome. In this work, Stryjkowski provided two lists of gods, one Old Prussian and another Lithuanian. The Pomesanian statute book of 1340, the earliest attested document of the customary law of the Balts, as well as the works of Dietrich of Nieheim (Cronica) and Sebastian Mnster (Cosmographia). It's not quite as popular). But its certainly popular, and lovely (if sad) enough to be well worth the telling. The Baltic witch, Raganos, has quite a number of roles in nature. without associated rituals. Name your daughter this which means 'unblemished character.' Regina. Like many pagan beliefs, the Baltic religion was founded around nature. 12. [7], Enea Silvio Bartolomeo Piccolomini, who later became the Pope Pius II, in the section de Europa of his book Historia rerum ubique gestarum, cited Jerome of Prague, who attested Lithuanians worshiping the Sun and the iron hammer which was used to free the Sun from the tower. Stories, songs, and legends of this kind describe laws of nature and such natural processes as the change of seasons of the year, their connections with each other and with the existence of human beings. Surnames may also have been translated outright into English, sometimes with a slight twist. princess, kingdoms, celestial. A very popular name even today, Milda is the Lithuanian goddess of love and freedom (any takers for Giltine as a baby name? The list of Lithuanian gods, provided by Jan asicki, is still considered an important and of interest for Lithuanian mythology. It is also amongst the most common Lithuanian baby girl names that every person loves. Origin: Ancient Greek name. 12th century Muslim geographer al-Idrisi in The Book of Roger mentioned Balts as worshipers of Holy Fire and their flourishing city Madsun (Mdshn, Mrsunh, Marsna). Airine It refers to 'a responsible and stable person.' The name is derived from Eyrin. In pre-Christian Lithuania, mythology was a part of polytheistic religion; after Christianisation mythology survived mostly in folklore, customs and festive rituals. In some versions of the story, it is Jrats tears that form the amber pieces that wash ashore in Lithuania. Shes also the patroness of pregnant women and no wonder, when shes the one to pronounce every infants destiny. This 18-page treatise contained a lists of 76 Lithuanian gods with brief description of their functions. Matis: Matis originates from Matthew. Neuri were mentioned by Roman geographer Pomponius Mela. [29], emyna (em, emel) (from Lithuanian: em 'earth') is the goddess of the earth. Folklore collections by, among others, Meislovas Davainis-Silvestraitis (collected about 700 Samogitian fairy-tales and tales (sakms)) and Jonas Basanaviius (collected hundreds of songs, tales, melodies and riddles). Gradually Lithuanian polytheism customs and songs merged with the Christian tradition. To read more about the history of surnames, see the article Lithuanian Names. 79. Zhyden povs: Tumigil. Kavaliauskas Lithuanian Lithuanian form of Kowalski. Old Lithuanian names, related to nature and mythology are often given to the children. The list contained very minor deities, representing everyday household items. Unfortunately, all that we really know of Dievs comes from early Christian texts, which are not exactly the most objective sources on pagan belief systems. They are the ones who belong to the Lord. However, its likely that she only came into being in the 19th century, and isnt an ancient goddess at all. She is also the primary god in determining what a persons fortunes will be throughout their life. Ragana is a goddess that doesn't want to be seen by strangers. A material related to the Lithuanian spells was used by V. Ivanov and V. Toporov to restore the Indo-European myths. Because of this, mythology from the area is a lot more recent than in other areas however, as the stories were carried by word of mouth, and ever-changing, our knowledge of ancient beliefs is limited to folktales and snippets. Meaning: "Butcher" or "twin of Apollo". The two live together happily for nine years, and have three sons and a young daughter. Feeling suddenly homesick, Egl decides to return home for a visit but her husband forbids her from leaving. the expression austi korius 'to weave honeycombs;' Jrat from the name of an old Lithuanian mythological . Ragana can appear as a beautiful woman, a frightening creature or even an animal. [22][23], Dievo sneliai (the "sons of Dievas") Avieniai, pulling the carriage of Saul (the Sun) through the sky. All members of a family have the same surname root, but with different endings. Venus (Greek) - The planet Venus is named after this Grecian Goddess of Love and Beauty. [30] She is usually regarded as mother goddess and one of the chief Lithuanian gods. Do you love how joyful your baby girl is wishes for her all the joy in life? Lithuanian mythological creatures are rarely plain "good" or plain "evil", most of them are able to be both depending on circumstances. In the Bible, Noah was the second progenitor of the human race. Godchecker is a trade mark used under license. Origin: Latin Meaning: Dawn Pronunciation: Ah-ROWR-ah Variations: Arora, Aurorah, Aurore [33], empatis (from Lithuanian: em 'earth' and Lithuanian: pts 'autonomous decision maker, ruler'; or 'Earth Spouse'[34]) god of the land, harvest, property and homestead. And bake a pie with no utensils. Eine Slawische Une Baltische Erdgottheit". Therefore, the academic opinion on the list ranges from a valuable resource to a practical joke designed to poke fun of Christian saints through an inverted mirror. These names are simply transliterated Polonized Lithuanian names. This bonded harmonizer was custom-made just for Sage . [12] Since Renaissance scholars were quite knowledgeable about the culture of antique world, their interpretation of Lithuanian religion was affected by Roman or Greek cultures. She is depicted as a young woman or a she-wolf, and runs with a pack of wolves around her. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Mnulis (Moon) married Saul (Sun) and they had seven daughters: Aurin (Morning Star Venus), Vakarin (Evening Star Venus), Indraja (Jupiter), Vaivora or son Paarinis in some versions (Mercury), iezdr (Mars), Slija (Saturn), em (Earth). Saul, the Sun (Surya in Hinduism). example: "lord of the rings" matches names from the novel 'The Lord of the Rings' this field understands simple boolean logic ("dievaitis") ( Parjanya / Indra in Vedic religion). St. Isidore, model of laborers, pray for us. Its also often alight, with either its head or even its whole body covered in flames. God sent a swallow, which managed to steal the fire. She then turns her three sons into mighty trees, an oak, an ash, and a birch tree. Contrary to popular belief, this change was not made at Ellis Island. Dugnai Goddess of the bakery. Springs were worshiped - they were considered holy. [36][37][38], vaigdikis (vaigdystis, vaigdukas, vaistikas) the god of the stars, powerful god of light, who provided light for the crops, grass and the animals. But Egls horrified family trick them three times, into taking a goose, a sheep, and a cow as their masters bride. Indigenous Religions The Baltics were the last pagan nations in Europe to Christianize, between the 14th and 15th centuries. I studied some ancient mythology in uni, and I love learning about other places and cultures. Lithuanian Goddess of the Sea Kaukas Lithuanian Spirit of Wealth Kaupolis Lithuanian Goddess of Plants Kauriraris Lithuanian God of War Keliu Dievas Lithuanian God of Crossroads Kovas Lithuanian God of War Kremata Lithuanian God of Pigs Krumine Lithuanian Goddess of Farming Kupole Lithuanian God of the Spring Laime ", "Kai kurios Motiejaus Pretorijaus hipotezs ir j interpretacijos XX a. pabaigos XXI a. pradios mitolog darbuose", "Chapter iv: Lithuanian mythology by Gintaras Beresneviius", Metaforin uolo kulto raika lietuvi etnokultroje: pagal emaii legend "Baublys",, Bangptys, Vjopatis, Bibirbis, Giltin, Gota, Jaui Baubis, Karvaitis, raitis, Skalsa, Birulis / Berulis, Prigirstytis / Girystis, Ligyius / Lygjus, Kelio dievas / Kelukis, Drebkulis and Magyla - Prussian Lithuanian, This page was last edited on 2 February 2023, at 17:31. Different authors present wildly contradictory reconstructions of the Lithuanian pantheon. The remainder of the pantheon includes a god of bees, of milk, the sea, farming, beer (thats a real favourite of mine), and fire. As with most ancient Indo-European cultures (e.g. Popular Girl's Names In Lithuanian 1. Lithuanian mythology (Lithuanian: Lietuvi mitologija) is the mythology of Lithuanian polytheism, the religion of pre-Christian Lithuanians. Even today there is a tradition of weddings in Lithuania to light a new symbolic family fireplace from the parents of the newlyweds. Lithuanians (Lithuanian: lietuviai) are a Baltic ethnic group.They are native to Lithuania, where they number around 2,378,118 people. Water was considered a primary element - legends describing the creation of the world, usually state that "at first there was nothing but water". As the population increased, it became necessary to distinguish between individuals with the same name. Both countries throw multiple folk festivals annually, which you should be sure to check out if you visit the Baltic! emyna (also emynl or emel) [1] (from Lithuanian: em - earth) is the goddess of the earth in Lithuanian religion. For additional reading, please see About Forms of Lithuanian Surnames from Lithuanian Catholic Ancestor Search. They are related to Sanskrit va and Avestan asp (from Indo-Iranian *aua), and to Old Lithuanian ava, all sharing the meaning of "mare". It is a derivative of the Latin name Matthaeus and Greek name Matthais. Much like Zeus (from Greek mythology), the bearded Prkons wields an ax and rides a chariot, bringing lightning and rain to the earth below him. A small, scary creature used to scare children, a baubas has long arms, wrinkled fingers, and red eyes. So, in an attempt to learn how to summon her husband, they beat the couples sons. Fire is very often mentioned by chroniclers, when they were describing Lithuanian rituals. 250 Goddess Names For Baby Girl, With Meanings. The interest in Baltic and Lithuanian mythology was growing along with interest in Lithuanian language among Indo-Europeanists, since the conservative and native Baltic nations preserved very archaic language and cultural traditions. Surnames of unmarried women end in the suffix -t while surnames of married women end in the suffix -ien. A form of David; name of a King. In Greek legends, the nymph Larisa was either a daughter or mother of Pelasgus, the ancestor of the mythical Pelasgians. She is a goddess that resides in the forest just like Baba Yaga but doesn't have the well-known chicken legged hut like Baba Yaga. For his infidelity, there are different accounts of his punishment. As old as his brother, he is the god of primordial chaos and destruction. It contains mentionings about Prussian religion and the center of Baltic religion Romuva, where lives Kriwe-Kriwajto as a powerful priest who was held in high regard by the Prussians, Lithuanians, and Balts of Livonia. Giltine delivers the kiss of death, and sometimes is thought to work with her sister, who determines the time for every living beings end. Jokbas - a masculine Lithuanian name connected to both the names Jacob and James. Baleckas Baleckas is a Lithuanian form of Valeska. Bit of an unfair trade, but eventually the distraught young woman accepts. The Goddess is a calm, nurturing mother, a warrior in battle, and a fierce cremation ground dweller triumphing over death. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The astronomy of Lithuanians is based on the Moon calendar. Eventually, they even served the devil, and were certainly not welcome in the home any longer. Silver ear cuff is embellished with a black wing charm that hangs in front of the ear, a woman with a raven charm, triple moon and star charms, and hand wire wrapped long black natural rooster coque tail feathers that hang behind the ear. One of the first valuable sources is the Treaty of Christburg, 1249, between the pagan Prussian clans, represented by a papal legate, and the Teutonic Knights. Iron Wolf is used as a mascot by the Lithuanian military (the Motorised Infantry Brigade Iron Wolf), Sculpture of Egl the Queen of Serpents in Palanga, Lithuania. Radiant and beautiful, Saul is the sun-goddess. It is short, cute, and suitable for a pretty baby girl. Joining the ranks of beautiful nymph ladies who frolic in water across pretty much all ancient mythologies are the Laums. These are the best known of them: * Aitvaras (plural: aitvarai) may have been the god of water and clouds. But one day, the thunder god Perknas discovers their relationship, and grows furious at the goddess for stooping to the level of their mortal creations. The oak tree is sacred to him, as it is interestingly the most common tree to be struck by lightning! Wanda - German girl name that means "wanderer" Winifred - Welsh, English, means "white, fair, blessed" or "reconciliation, peace" Pin our list of old lady names for your baby girl to save it for later. The forces of good and evil have often been considered too intertwined to be anything but related! Many interpretations of Egl the Queen of Serpents were made in poetry and visual art. Many scholars preferred to write their own reconstructions of Lithuanian mythology, based also on historical, archaeological, and ethnographic data. I would love to expand on this list, and learn about more unique creatures and stories that give us some insight into their society and culture. A distinctive practice dominated in the ethnic region of Lithuania Minor, then part of East Prussia, where Lithuanized German personal names were common, such as Ansas (Hans), Grt (Gretchen), Vilius (Wilhelm) among Prussian Lithuanians. Milda f Lithuanian, Baltic Mythology. Goddesses in South Asia have many names and faces. Vakare (Lithuanian)- This goddess was the personification of the evening star. Inconsolable over the death of her beloved, the serpent queen whispers an enchantment, and turns her daughter, who betrayed them through her fear, into a quaking aspen. Egl must spin a never-ending thread of silk. So Egl is taken to their king, who lives at the bottom of the sea. He shows her the beautiful palace she is to spend eternity with him in, and they spend three weeks feasting and being merry, the newlywed King and Queen of the serpents. Expect lost loves and shapeshifting. However, we could still find a few fascinating characters. Her domain is the regeneration of all life on earth, and she gives life, fertility and warmth to humanity. A child in Lithuania is usually given one or two given names. It closely relates to other thunder gods in many Indo-European mythologies: Vedic Parjanya, Celtic Taranis, Germanic Thor, Slavic Perun. For example, the surname. She is depicted as extremely thin and pale, usually wearing white. Die Littauischen Wegeberichte (The descriptions of Lithuanian routes) is a compilation of 100 routes into the western Grand Duchy of Lithuania prepared by the Teutonic Knights and their spies in 13841402. Proto-Indo-European-Religion Hausos - A powerful love goddess associated with the personification dawn, often depicted as a beautiful young girl in pictorial representations. Oftentimes, in images of the Eye, she is shown as being a cobra that sports a deshret. This is the name of a sea goddess who falls in love with a fisherman in the Lithuanian folk tale Jrat and Kastytis. [53] Jerome of Prague was an ardent missionary in Lithuania, leading the chopping of the holy groves and desecration of Lithuanian sacred heathen places. One of the most beloved Celtic goddesses, Brigid was the the Irish goddess of spring, fertility, and life. This is a pretty popular name in Lithuania and this means 'God is gracious.' Camilla. Although your ancestor may have been ethnically Lithuanian, you may find that their given names and/or surnames have been Latinized or Polonized. 14. She has features common to witch-myths, like a hideous appearance, spell-casting, and the ability to turn humans into toads, pigs, and other animals. On the other hand, if a surname was long, complicated and/or difficult to pronounce, an ending may have been changed or removed to make it shorter. Jankauskas Lithuanian Lithuanian form of Janowski. She represents the feminine aspects of nature, and protects the earth. Habiba (Arabic) - "Beloved" or "sweetheart" Habibti (Arabic) - "My love" Imogen (Greek) - "Loved child" Kalila (Arabic) - "Beloved" or "dearly loved" Kamaka (Maori) - "Beloved child"; also a nature name meaning "rock" Kareena (Scandinavian) - "Beloved" Kevinne (Irish girl name) - "Beloved" Lovette (English) - "Little loved one" Interestingly, the arrival of Christianity brought about quite a change in perspective around these little fiends. The cults of old deities transformed into folklore (individual tales, myths, songs, etc.) [39], Gabija (also known as Gabieta, Gabeta, Matergabija, Pelengabija) is the spirit or goddess of the fire. In Lithuanian fairy-tales recorded much later, there is very frequent opposition of kalvis ('smith') and velnias ('devil'). In other words, it also means daughter of God. He is the god of order and fertility (uncommon for male gods), and is one of the most popular deities in the Baltic. Boy. But Laums are temperamental, and can punish rude or disrespectful men. A protector. French theologian and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Pierre d'Ailly mentions the Sun (Saul) as one of the most important Lithuanian gods, which rejuvenates the world as its spirit. 3. We have been running this site for over two decades and still haven't finished counting the Gods. For example, the Lithuanian surname "Balkus" means "white." Another popular source of modern Lithuanian names is the supply of mythological figures from the ancient Lithuanian past: Austja from the name of the ancient Lithuanian goddess of the bees, possibly derived from austi 'to weave,' cf. Beginning in the 16th century, the pagan religion received more attention from authors, but often their accounts were confused, contradictory, and heavily influenced by various religious agendas. Egl forgets about her own life, until one day her son asks about her parents. Blue Sapphire and Clear Quartz Wisdom Harmonizer. Jurgis - originating from the name George, this Lithuanian name refers to a gorgeous person. Ognyena. For example, if your Lithuanian ancestors name was Jan Jankauskas, you may find his name recorded as: When entering the names of your Lithuanian ancestors into your family tree, it's common practice to convert the Latinized/Polonized versions of the name back to the Lithuanian forms. Auseklis is the Latvian star god, and male. Known as Dievas in Lithuania and Dievs in Latvia (and a bundle of other very similar names in the different Baltic regions), he is the supreme god, the sky god. A cobra that sports a deshret an animal means `` white. Aitvaras ( plural: aitvarai may... The 14th and 15th centuries, she is usually given one or two given names and/or have. The nymph Larisa was either a daughter or mother of Pelasgus, the ancestor of the polytheistic. Other thunder gods in many Indo-European mythologies: Vedic Parjanya, Celtic Taranis, Thor. 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lithuanian goddess names