how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead

They walk past the wreckage of the truck putting down infected. She looks at Daniel, shocked, while he leaves with Dante. Finally, Daniel lowers his gun and agrees. Efran questions what he is saying. And then that peace literally blows up around them as an explosion goes off at the edge of the community and Daniel discovers the weapons he confiscated earlier are missing, all of which leads him . He hears Griselda's voice. Daniel questions Chris on how he learned how to fish with him explaining he used to do it when he was younger. Walkers reach the inner gate. In Season 6 and Season 7, Daniel becomes convinced that Ofelia is still alive due to his guilt over her loss affecting his mental state. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel. She reminds them to give her a holler and drives away. After Luis Flores shoots both Ben and Breannah with an assault rifle, this gives time for Daniel to slip his binds and grab his gun back from Reed's hand as Ofelia slams him on the door before Madison stabs him with the crowbar. However, he can now, having made peace with her loss finally. He instructs her to hide out at a nearby fishing shack. "You're dying," the man tells him in Spanish. Daniel leads the caravan of survivors around to find Logan. He gives him instructions about returning but Sarah says she broke their fence down to free the plane. Status: on hiatus. Nick finally says that Jake led the herd to the ranch after learning that Nick killed his father. She says it feels like a contraction. Late 20s to Early 30s Suddenly, they spot Luciana among Virginia's people so Daniel radios the group to abandon the plan while Strand goes to talk to Virginia. When Luis mentions that they cannot cross the boarder without Strand, Daniel tells him they don't need him as Luis tells him back without Strand they're not going to Mexico. 2023 is a big year for The Walking Dead universe, as AMC has revealed that two new shows will premiere this year, in addition to the conclusion of Fear the . Daniel calls a group meeting so that everyone can share what they know about the enemy. Daniel meets Morgan and smiles when Alicia runs up to hug him. On their walk, Daniel encourages Morgan to say things he has to say because no one knows how long they have left in this world, implying he confesses his feelings to Grace. At the helicopter, the pilot doesn't speak but holds a walkie, from which Al speaks to the group. Daniel and the others then hear as Morgan radios Virginia for help. Daniel kills another Ranger, but Alicia nearly collapses from her illness and Strand insists upon getting her to the infirmary for treatment rather than continuing up. Daniel has questions about Ofelia's death. Wes is a major character in the sixth season, after appearing as a recurring character in the fifth season. (S3E10). Dante notices the commotion and grills Daniel about his background. Strand confronts Daniel, who tells him he won't shoot him after all, apparently forgiving Strand or at least accepting that he really has changed. Daniel is not intimidated and again orders him to drive him to the hotel. After watching Travis drag Peter's body out, he suggests burning it but Travis declines, and immediately Daniel knows it is because Peter was a good friend of Travis. He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. Tess asks Daniel if the coast is clear. On cue, the plane runs out of fuel and Wendell's forced to jump out of his chair to fix it. However, Daniel sees him as a good person since he is aware he has a relationship with his daughter. Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. After discovering the corpse of Efran Morales, an enraged and heartbroken Lola goes out on the dam and shoots several of the Proctors before she is shot through the back and the head by Proctor John. Status He adds that they were driving them someplace they'd have a prime view of the destruction to come. Together, Strand and Alicia manage to snap Daniel out of his fugue state and back into reality. Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. The two survivors entered through the main entrance of the building to find only blood, there were no people around. This is the last time Daniel is seen for the rest of the second season. Before she goes, Daniel gives her his gun and tells her they will escape together. As he approaches the doors, the herd of infected inside senses his presence and begins banging on the doors. Notably, he doesn't lie to Nick about why he's searching for medical supplies despite earlier telling Ofelia that they must not tell anyone else about her infection. As Strand gathers medicine, Daniel notices a list of the Tower residents which doesn't have Ofelia's name on it. The leader elects there is nothing here. End date: ___ ____. When one of the Infected notices him, he flees and hides under a car. Daniel and Strand arrive at the hotel only to find the entrance abandoned. Their relationship is seemingly over when the two are separated during the Abigail Estate fire, however when the two are reunited after Ofelia's death, Daniel harbors a great amount of rage towards Madison, and even points his gun at her. She clarifies this by saying that she understands the new world and her father- and that they are "cruel.". Rollie claims they found the location of the bunker where the cult is holding Alicia, so the group can take shelter there. Later on, Daniel is suspicious when the servants working for Celia confiscate the group's weapons. Daniel isn't surprised. Madison, however, questions whether the truth of it is Daniel being afraid to face his daughter. When Daniel's wife was taken away, Daniel was extremely worried, but presumably rested a little easier knowing that Liza was with her at the medical facility. He is portrayed by Colby Hollman. In a flashback, young Daniel looks at the pool of dead bodies and notices one of the men is still alive. He then questions Dante's methods. After getting to the truck, they head to a nearby hospital but find that it is overrun with the infected, with the National Guard shooting the infected patients coming out of the hospital. Daniel asks if its for Madison and Strand breaks the news about her and Nick to Daniel's visible sorrow. During this time, he met his wife Griselda, who was hardened by the war as he was, and helped keep him stable after the horrors of what he did. After Ofelia sees what he does to him, she leaves the house crying, and he tells Madison that she will be unable to understand why he had to torture him. It is possible that he lived in or near Texas. Daniel is devastated. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. She immediately recognizes Daniel. Later on, Morgan decides the group should leave in the morning. After a short conversation, Chris notes that the walls are burning, and all six realize that they need to leave. He is thinking about Ofelia, but she counsels Daniel to stop looking for Ofelia. Thank you. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. In the video tape, an irritated Daniel asks her "why are you interviewing me? Nick leaves and Daniel sits alone with his thoughts. Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. Genre (s): Drama, Science Fiction. Danieland Efran urge her to stay behind for her safety, but she insists on joining them. Daniel sends off Madison and Strand in a water tanker provided by Lola. Daniel initially distrusted Travis, and only allowed him and his family to take shelter in his shop at the behest of Griselda. Sarah radios Daniel next and he advises her to stay away from Strand. Lola's crew secures the gate just as the rioters arrive. Tess then mentions they could settle in at a ranch they passed on the road. When a life raft of survivors is spotted at sea, he takes his double barreled shotgun and keeps it at the ready as a safety precaution, he remains quiet on whether to bring the survivors onto the boat. Walkers begin showing up outside Valley Town's walls, drawn by the sound of the explosion. They then tie them all together. Daniel then reveals that he continues to suffer lingering effects and pain from Strand shooting him in the face, describing the hell that it has made his life and pulling out what appears to be an artificial part of his cheekbone. She immediately recognizes Daniel. "Take the gun, Daniel," says a voice, but the room is empty. He tells her he is better now before asking about Ofelia. Efran loads Daniel into a rickshaw and peddles through town, expertly dodging Infected along the way. Daniel writes down exactly what they need. Daniel mockingly tells the Ranger that this is happening to him because you always handcuff a person in the back, not the front like the man had done with Daniel. The group debates their next move. Efran hands him some liquor to swig before she starts scraping off the burns, while singing to him. "Sleigh Ride" Daniel can't say that he is, so Luciana decides they will go to the place Rollie wants. Daniel thinks hes too dangerous to stay with them. Lola did care for them, as they were friends of Daniel and offered them a place to sleep for the night. Daniel fires a couple of shots into the air, insisting Strand to leave now. Travis beats Andrew viciously in return, while Liza tends to Ofelia's gunshot wound, successfully stabilizing her. Then, Daniel informs Madison that Nick has arrived at the dam. A man named Efran pulls Daniel out and insists he calm down, getting a look at his burnt leg. If she trades with Madison, there will be bloodshed. While searching a trailer, Morgan finds a letter from Daniel alongside Grace's jumper. Later on, Daniel notices more infected have gotten in. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. They discuss a possible problem with the water filtration system on the boat. Daniel spots a small herd of zombies approaching him over the sand dune and pulls out his M9 and shoots a few of the zombies. Strand plays dumb saying, "Whatever it is, if it benefits both of us, I'll look the other way. He asks for space. He demands to know what kind of sick joke this is and points the gun at Madison as he breaks down in tears, demanding an answer. Lola is one of five main characters in Fear to die in the season they were introduced, the others being. After Daniel has had some time to heal, he helps Efran scavenge for goods. Daniel anticipates Victor's return and attempt to steal the plane and disables it to prevent Victor from succeeding. Later, Daniel attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. Daniel is shocked that Strand would do such a thing given their history, but Strand tells Daniel that he's doing it for Ofelia. He orders Daniel to torture Efran until he reveals the person who helps him steal the water, and offers Daniel weapons to torture Efran with. The plane roars toward the dark runway as Wendell fixes the lights at the last second, allowing the plane to finally land. Daniel tried to change Lola's mind but couldn't, but he won't abandon her because she saved his life and tells her that he plans to stay at the dam to protect Lola. They have raised one daughter in America. Strand admits he secretly kept a gun but insists he didn't take the other weapons. Later, Victor betrays Daniel and the dam to the Proctors and shoots him in under the chin, and the bullet passes through his right cheek. In the days that follow . His training and survival skills have shaped him into a formidable combatant. She encounters the Proctors executing her workers and opens fire on them, killing several Proctors. He lowers his gun. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. Later, while the dam is exploding, Daniel locates Nick and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder as they watch the destruction unfold. The angry mob hits Lola on the head, and Daniel rushes Lola to the truck as the crowd turns on them and attacks. On the road, Daniel continues to lead the herd away as Sarah and Wendell arrive in Al's truck and release the machine gun lever but it doesn't shoot, so he hides underneath. Madison agrees to provide them with the required armaments in exchange for 10,000 gallons of water a week until the rains come. He puts a rosary in her hands before continuing on his path. He is not happy to see him, but Madison emerges and asks Daniel to lower the gun. Both of them were shocked as Daniel claimed he doesn't remember them. Efran is willing to give him water but they have to walk, which Daniel agrees to. "She never did know the man that brought her to the United States," Daniel said. Later that evening, he hears a whistle and tells a guard that he left something. Daniel distracts J.C. from the fountain by directing him to Efran's hideout. Morgan just wants to make sure everybody survives and reminds them despite their failures they still made a difference in the world, and they should keep living their lives. You will rot here, like the dead, Ofelia is dead. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. Daniel hears the gunshot that killed Liza as he sits with a sleeping Ofelia. As Alicia is binding Daniel, he asks her how they knew their names to which she just replies "I don't know". Daniel Salazar is a fictional character in the television series Fear the Walking Dead, portrayed by Panamanian actor Rubn Blades. After meeting Dante and hearing his accent, Dante realizes that Daniel is from El Salvador. He successfully picks the lock and discovers a hidden compartment. Lola wants to continue providing water to the people but Daniel wants to be more careful. Her body is dragged and dropped up against some steps and a handwritten sign is placed on her bloodied body. Back at his warehouse, he puts away the rations, tears off a day from his calendar, and cooks dinner with Skidmark. Female However, Daniel doesn't believe him and claims Strand just wants the plane for himself because he is always self-serving. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) According to Ofelia, Daniel once told her that all of their relatives are dead in El Salvador. Daniel marches toward her asking where Ofelia is. Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. In "Handle With Care", Daniel states that he already lost Ofelia and wasn't going lose Charlie, showing that he's come to view her as his own daughter. He hears people running in the hall. In Daniel's case, Charlie needs him to be there for her. He regrets lying to his daughter but Efran insists it was the best thing to do. Daniel doesn't trust this information, and suggest they instead go to the coordinates he wrote down after hearing a voice broadcast them over the radio. Alicia explains that Daniel isn't well and Strand orders Daniel taken to the basement, reassuring Alicia that if he was going to kill Daniel, he'd have had him taken to the roof instead of putting him "on a little time out." Everyone except Daniel stands as Dante enters the room. After hearing Alicia's SOS, Daniel joins Sarah, Dwight, Luciana, June and Josiah LaRoux in going to her rescue. Daniel and Chris have a stable relationship. After Victor returns with the rest of Morgan's group, Daniel greets him without animosity and admits that he was wrong about him. When the two reunite once more, Daniel appears to despise Victor, refusing to give him the plane that he needs in order to help Alicia, Al, and the rest of the group, as he believes every time Victor helps people, it only makes things worse. As of Ofelia's death, Daniel is the last surviving member of. An unknown man coerced him to mortally shoot one of the survivors, which became his first out of many kills and an event leaving him traumatized that still haunts him even after decades. Shot in the back and then in the head by Proctor John. She was portrayed by Mercedes Mason. Daniel is confident the group will survive just fine and that Strand's interference will only make the situation worse for them based on their past history with each other. Daniel finds Lola trying to fix the levers. Lola Guerrero, also known as "La Reina del Agua" (meaning The Water Queen), is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. In Grace's dream, Daniel is living in Valley Town as a barber and is seen finishing a haircut for Victor Strand, his close friend much to Grace's pleasure and surprise. Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. The basement is infested with walkers, so they have to find another place to shelter at. He sees something in the distance and rushes to it, only to find Strand emerging from the sewers. Walker asks himself the same questions, saying he wasn't at the ranch when it got overrun. "You'd say anything to save your life," Daniel said. They wait outside as Daniel speaks to Lola. As the group escapes from the mess hall, Daniel and Ofelia stop Liza to find out where Griselda is. People are demanding more and claiming Daniel took it for himself. Strand is shocked to see Daniel. Daniel, who has fallen asleep under the car, awakens to the sound of a growling Infected next to the car. She notes that they ran out of antibiotics and Daniel sternly tells her not to tell Madison insisting that they have to care for one another. Daniel is one of only three remaining cast members from Fear the Walking Dead season 1, the others being Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) and Strand (Colman . Daniel supposedly agrees to Ofelia's decision to use him as a hostage to free Griselda and Madison's son Nick. Daniel himself reveals that he killed around 96 people in El Salvador and still suffers the trauma of his actions. "We have no water to spare," she tells Madison. He asks if Madison was with her when she died and if she said anything. "Don't force me," Daniel says before standing up and taking his coat off. He tells Grace they need to talk, but Daniel picks up and says she has become terribly ill. Grace tells Morgan she hopes to see him again and watch him smile, but doesn't think there's much time left. He's searching for water with little luck. Just then, the group sees a helicopter landing, and rush over to meet it, although Wes stays behind to spray-paint a message. Lola insists, there is nothing left to discuss. "100" to "Sleigh Ride" Lola elects they will deal with them later. A handwritten sign is placed on her bloodied body how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead voice, but Madison emerges and asks to! 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how does daniel know lola fear the walking dead