a letter to my teenage son who hates me

I feel so isolated. They need space to find their own groove. He suffered until the bitter end. I loved being a mom and I love my kids, just feels like I failed. Its critical to being in balance. I love him, but really cant stand him, im torn between putting up with him and hoping he will change to wanting to kick him out, hes nearly 17. If you dont, he could blame you for not doing your job. We are all on this earth trying to find joy and happiness together. I would give him anything he asked for especially money just so i could get abit of peace but i stopped all the money because Ive had it upto my neck with how he treats me. That way, no one can mess them up so bad that they go against the grain of EVERY other living creature on this planet, to do everything in their power to stay alive, thrive and survive at all costs. Ask him if he will forgive you. Its a DIFFICULT transition, mentally. Other types of music I have on my playlist are (my favorites): Meditation music, Zen water fountains, Sounds of Ocean waves with seagulls, Campfire sounds with owls, babbling brooks and crickets, Rain on a tent with campfire noises, Native American Shamanic music with fire, flute and drums, Rain on leaves in a forest, relaxing music & rain sounds, calming harp music and Tibetan bowl music. What really draws them back in is when they see that your not some loser Mom that has nothing else to live for. If you can right a wrong, thats the best option. It touches my collar, he said. Let her work these feelings out and just listen. If she were meeting all your needs, there wouldnt be a problem. When she is a little older she will see these things differently. Depending on how long it takes you to learn your lessons depends on how long you should stay in solitude. I think the main thing you can do during this awful time is take care of yourself. Alexis Hansen, LCSW. Hes hanging around with local idiots fighting other gangs and doing drugs constantly, i know hes been schooling my younger son in the way of drugs but thankfully my younger son is a fair bit smarter although he has definitely dabbled. About a month ago, he didnt like me taking away his cell phone for missing work. He has made progress under this counselors guidance. In the meantime, get busy on being that Mom where her son loves to come home and get his favorite meal! If we invest in our recovery full throttle, wonderful things will happen. If something happens to you, you need to make sure they are prepared and fully equipped to navigate successfully through this life. She saved me from so many negative experiences by having rules and expectations, but she also pushed me away by being emotional and reactive to my teen antics. Its best you start now so if there are problems, you will be there to comfort them. This is accumulated from our experiences and memories. And you want to be the best human you can be. She even told me that when she has to make a tough decision she asks herself, what would Mommy do? Which is only a few years away. And for the record, his dad tends to shut down, Im the one who always keeps the conversation going. Try to better understand the hidden message behind what they are saying and not directly listen to the words. That wont help you. Shackles I put on my own ankles. Hormones go wild and they have many ups and downs as their brain is still developing. They both think they know everything and mom knows nothing. Hithank you to all who took time to reply. just keep loving them and eventually they will come back to you. This weekend, though, I am going to start trying to take a few baby steps, thinking of places I can go on my own where I wont be too embarrassed. Do you want to be around people that make you feel horrible? Meet new people and get involved in your community. So, I know nothing. Again, mainly because they are afraid. What is the 1st step of his plan? Now he found friends who smoke, drink, etc. Nothing more & nothing less. All we can do is love and support our loved ones until they no longer need us. Who was I before my son? This is her life. All of these circumstances contributed to his view now that i am and was a terrible mother. Afterall, you would defend someone you care about if they were being attacked. Keep all conversations light (nice weather today!) When you do that, you end up looking like the hero. Like actual people trying to do their best under less than ideal circumstances and that was so scarring emotionally that the child has cut their parents off. I really needed this article and the comments from parents. Im stuck in the upper Midwest, although I am packing to move. You did the best you could with what you had (at the time) with your son. I have fun with my other family members but right when my dad shows up he is so rude. This goes for him too. I think he still has enough basic decency to feel some sympathy for my dad, but is just seeing my dads inevitable decline (hes 86, and has been widowed for nearly 8 years now) as confirmation that life is sad and meaningless. It is hard to hear anyway because he doesnt say, I feel this, he says you are terrible because -, so its really hard to hear the litany of how terrible you are when three quarters of the things listed were out of my control, I already feel terrible about them and if I had do it over again i would not have any choice but to do the same thing over again unless we are presuming we can turn back the hands of time AND give me a trust fund. 2 teen girls15 and 16. Im hoping the next 4 years goes quickly for you both. This is the wrong way to handle issues. We are all a part of the universe (like a drop of water is a part of the sea) and we will all go back into the universe once we expire. This goes for every living being on the planet. Ok my daughter hates me. Each one of these need to be a calm and loving conversation. The embittered part, though, Im wearing that all over me.) I said, eventually you will get it right. Ive found, with my teen, the best thing to do (and I repeat this in my head 5Mx a day) is to not ride the roller coaster. We dont argue over anything and I dont stop her independence, she needs very little boundaries except there are these dreadful things she says to me. If you are love, you will never give up on someone you created! Then you say ok, lets try and work this out and make it happen. This is normal. Go back to school (thats what I did). How did we get here? There are a couple of behaviors or approaches to parenting teens that will drive the Thanks for writing back and the kind words! Just dont let it drop by the waste side. I have one other daughter, 20 months older and shes been absolutely lovely! so they are on top of their kids and riding them for every little thing. I love them all the kids and even my son. Your teen will go into parenting mode and try to comfort you. Hi Sylvia, I was brought up catholic with the communions and confirmations and because of all the mandates & restrictions that religion and parents put on me, I changed religions as soon as I moved out at 18. daughter letter teenage understand mother mom quotes think apology ll sorry youll children grow girls know teenager perfect her dont all teens hate their parents at some point? Employ those same reasons & qualities to your teen. All this talk of, just wait it out, they will come back to you, sometimes just doesnt happen, in my case it did not. Remember, she controls who she keeps at her round table (a chosen small group of people closest to her). Called him all the time, filled him in on things, confided in him and a ton of other things that made me sooooo jealous (even getting matching tattoos). I hope I helped! Its really hard to prepare our children for the real world when they are constantly resisting our guidance. Or it might not change. She wont eat with us, I know she self-harms and sometimes she can withdraw completely for days. I am SO happy in my new house. I was a court appointed special advocate for children & teens for 9 years. These must become daily rituals and must happen by your encouragement Each and Every Day. If youre embarrassed about how you acted, tell them youre embarrassed. Most days I feel as if I were a toddler awake during nap time, my eyes pressed closed, pretending to sleep so as not to disturb the sleepers. As parents its part of the job to prepare our children for life when they leave the coop. Did I mention she was strong willed? Acceptance that your son now has his own life to live. They have a sense of entitlement and YES agree we most continue to love them but at what cost to our emotional well being. You are such a good Mom! This is a VERY tough time for them. Tonight my daughter told me that everyone agrees that being around me is bad for her mental health. If they are afraid of how you will react, they will never tell you anything important. They have a son 12 a daughter 9 and another son 3. I work on a Vineyard doing something I love! But I really think its very important life lesson for him that he needs ability of earning his own life. Actually, every single one of us asked to be born, including you. I live 15 mins from the beach and I have an ocean breeze to die for. Im having a hard time breaking down the wall (its been 48 hours). This is not about you, this is about your child recovering and healing from what they feel has been life altering. Yes, we can push our kids to get through high school at least up through the age of 18, but at what cost to them? its heartbreaking knowing you can give life to a child and one day they just decide they dont love you anymore ! Im so sorry you are going through this. I sent his that post. Their mental health is the only goal here. I also recommend the forum conduct disorders for parents who are having sustained problems. And I thought I had made a tiny bit of progress towards doing sonothing dramatic, but a little improvement when it came to managing and definitely towards concealing my anxiety. Its horrid as if I have abused her in some way. We cant control them. I guess I messed up by showing too much emotion and feeding into his power. Not see us out of obligation. You sound like you need something for you, a strong foundation of happiness that allows you to come home refreshed to deal with their acting out. I worried a lot that hes listening to that person and trying to find any answer from his videos. Believe that your son will realize how much you love him. Many lack the ability to think far ahead and weigh all the consequences of their choices. And so on. The fact that shes withdrawn from everyone is a good sign she has some issues to work through. The kids today, including my own, have NO regard for authority. This because I found out that hed bought a train ticket and planned to run away first he denied this, but then when I said I had the proof (he used my credit card, saying was buying me a birthday presentas if) he flew into a rage, saying I should be grateful to him that he stayed, against his will. We are 100% in control of our thoughts and emotions. Life isnt fair sometimes. Please realize you were not sent here to fix other people. I work at a school, were going into our last week, and I honestly cant even fake it. I need to be more patient and loving towards my son. I blew her trust (cause she had blown mine) and I apologized so now Im giving her space. They need these skills to leave the nest full of confidence AND some life experiences under their belt. Now he hates me -- it seems as if he cannot bear to be near me. I wish we could have a support group. They should never have to worry about us. I wouldnt stress over any of those things on the list, just ask how she wants your support and listen without saying much. One of them has a dad whos cool and drinks, is permissive and the son goes to clubs from 14 overnight. I am a 14 year old and my dad is being a jerk right now. She sought out help all on her own. And Im sorry you havent beaten your depression yet. They could leave and never talk to you again and theres nothing you can do about it. If you dont want this for your child, are you the best parent you can be? But even when I am sick for a day they are yelling at me, slamming doors, saying they hate me. #1: Solitude. Everything you would want from a parent, is what you should try to be. I dont know where you live, but there should be some level of professional support for you, and even though most of your friends or family may not be able to understand your situation, I hope you find a few who do. These were vividly perceived, and unmistakeable experiences. Why should I be upset that she has a better relationship with her Dad? Tell him that you would never do that to him. You did your job as a loving mother. Keep your chin up, my older daughter was the same but I have a great relationship with her now shes grown up! Its time to create your life the way you want it to be. Also I can pick the destination, choose how long to stay, eat where I want, order what I want, and it will only cost me half as much. I dont need anything from them, but it would be nice to just be appreciated. HI CoralBlue! Get into what they are doing on their phones- join Snapchat, Instagram. You are LOVE! I am eternally grateful to God for a sweet present. Although she wont really talk about the past and she still blames us for a lot, she has said that she never hated us and didnt really want to be taken into care. Experiment with making smoothies or shakes with your loved one. Hi Vic, I have a 15 year old and a 13 year old. He had a mental breakdown in April ended up in a psychiatric hospital for 10 days on a 5150 hold and they started him on meds (Zoloft 25 mg and ability 5 mg) due to depression and psychosis episodes. Oh Paula, you are certainly NOT a failure! This gives us the mental well being we need to live beyond our children, husband, parents and loved ones. So I have been working and raising my dear son by myself and he was a delight as small child. Many big requirements. I did this and my daughter (21 yrs old now) went from not speaking to me, to texting, calling and face timing me whenever she was upset about something. I did step back from their roller coaster , focused more on my happiness ( realizing it is my time now), one of the hardest things to do as a parent. It breaks my heart to see that nothing Ive done is right. Social Media doesnt help at all. Its sink or swim time. You may think I do not. Do you want her carrying all that baggage with her in this already tough world? It hurts so bad, more so because of my depression. So true. I said that is what you waneed. Who knew this would be so very hard? He may end up hitting another female and then he will go to jail for sure. You have to commit to addressing everything that bubbles up. Really struggling with my first born 17 year old daughter. God help any teen parent! I kind of am pathetic, I guess. Please fill out all required fields to submit your message. Chris, She just finished her 3rd deployment. In this case, you have very little to worry about. The best thing would be an iPad where you can pick what will play all night. I can never get it right. The goal is to live life every day with absolute unprejudiced involvement. No one was there to help them so they are stuck. Make sure you are on an even playing field. In school they teach you a lesson and then give you a test. You are a beautiful person so let that shine on everyone you meet. And, shut me out of her life so I didnt get to teach her everything I wanted to. Repeat what she says so theres Things rarely work themselves out if they are swept under the rug. Enjoy your dogs, spoil yourself, reconnect with old friends or perhaps take up a hobby where you can meet people. All that is getting me through now is to slowly make time for me. Will he be mad, maybe? I will fight to the end, although its not easy to know how. Reward after reward. (In high school he finally has a pack of friends, so that is great). They didnt ask for this life, you made that decision for them. 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a letter to my teenage son who hates me