which zodiac sign is a heartbreaker

People whosezodiac signs align with Gemini and Scorpioshave a tendency to break people's hearts because they aren'tshy and are very outspoken. Don't let Leo crush you you're stronger than that. The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Virgo, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Sagittarius, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Capricorn, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Cancer, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Aquarius, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Aries, The Most Compatible Zodiac Signs with Scorpio, 55+ Latest Shikhar Dhawan Hairstyles in 2023, 100+ Latest KL Rahul Hairstyles and Haircut in 2023, Write for Us | Become a Contributor Health Blog. And while some couples will go to great lengths to make it last forevergoing to counseling, planning lavish dates and trying to meet their partners every needothers are more than happy to cut ties and move on with their lives. Aquarians are born with a graceful personality and flirtatious nature. Heartbreak SUCKS. RELATED:How You Deal With A Broken Heart, According To Your Zodiac Sign. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. There are certain zodiac signs that will break your heart. Leo is a fiery, passionate lover and loves to take charge in the bedroom. The Two Zodiac Signs That Are Heartbreakers 1. Aries folks probably shouldnt get involved with a Pisces or a Cancer. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. One moment, they are showering you with love and flowers; the next, they seem to have forgotten you completely. A hypocrite is someone who preaches one thing yet does another and believe us when we say, everybody has some insincere tendencies, no matter how well we hide them. RELATED: Why Cancers Are The Most Hated Zodiac Sign. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) No-nonsense Virgo is not one to beat around the bush. Libras dont want to be around people who dont understand or like them, but sometimes that can be hard to avoid. No one wakes up and wants to break things off. Once they decide its over, there wont be a long, drawn-out breakup process, and they definitely wont coddle you. Very hipper active and willing to do anything to get where they need to be, there is a possibility that they will step out on you. They dont want to stay in a relationship where they dont see a future. Libras are constantly trying to create balance and making sure everyone is happy, so the idea of getting into an argument over an issue thats bothering them is not exactly appealing. Cancers would rather do anything than break someone's heart. Perennially hungry for entertainment. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 1. Whenever someone cant meet your deadlines, you break their hearts easily. You are a heart-breaker to the people you feel dont really understand or appreciate the depth of your artistic and intellectual brilliance. Which Epic Power Ballad Is Perfect For YOUR Zodiac Sign? Virgos are gentle-hearted, loving people and cannot be associated with any heartbreaking abilities. If they expressed their disdain for your tardiness or the fact that you leave your clothes next to the hamper and not inside it, dont expect them to reiterate the point 100 more times after the first warning. Your beau is very jealous. So what he picked up is accurate, its the details thing I wish I could get more. Zodiac signs show and express their love in different ways because their horoscopesare not all the same. Further, they are likely to possess a very curious nature too. Heartbreakers and brutal and cold in their approach, the people belonging to these 4 zodiac signs are known to break peoples hearts into pieces without batting an eyelid. Though the self-absorbed quality of them rarely inspire them to find love but when they do so, you can trust them for their loyalty. If youre the type to go to bed late and regularly wake up throughout the night, you have almost definitely seen the 01:01 mirror hour on your clock. You can make someone fall in love with you within a short period of time and then youre just not there to see things through until the end because youre already looking at someone new. Don't make the mistake of engaging them in a post-breakup discussion because you'll just be opening yourself up for a whole lot of hurt. Such people are not only caring and kind, but are way too sweet to be true. People whose zodiac signs align with Gemini and Scorpios have a tendency to break people's hearts because they aren't shy and are very outspoken. Sure, Virgos love a challenge, but clinging to a relationship thats no longer working is just not their style. Her response was quick and focused, I really like that about her readings. When you find yourself in a relationship with someone who doesnt appreciate those ideas, you are very quick to break that persons heart. You have SO much love to give, its mostly getting past that stubborn and arrogant side that you dont even like. breaking your heart is the last thing on their mind, they love you and remind you that you are loved every single day. The answer is maybe. You are always looking for some sort of intellectual stimulation from people. Virgos are easy to trust, and you can open your true self to these people. Sagittarians are free-spirited beings who love adventures and do not like to be tied down by anyone. Aquarius thinks that they need nobody else. She covers beauty, relationship, diet and many more topics. Your Beau cares too much and loves too deeply. The 5 biggest heartbreakers of the zodiac sign Click on the right-hand arrow to find out who these signs are. You may even consult your horoscope for advice on how to move on. Theyre the queens of trying to get everyone to like them, after all. If youre dating an Aquarius, you are actually fully aware that they might break up with you at any given moment. They never put anybody elses needs over theirs and are capable of breaking your heart by always putting you on the backburner. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Leo: The people of this zodiac become hyper very quickly. Everyone knows one of them. Gemini. Whilst they have plenty of potential partners, they prefer the single life and never really look to get married or start a family. Although Sags rank number one among zodiac signs who will break your heart, they are at least honest. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! This video is all about Which Zodiac Sign is Most Likely to be a Heartbreaker topic but we also try to cover the following subjects:-which zodiac sign is a h. They can be hugely inflexible and aren't big on compromise when applied to their personal life. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. BUTyou cant seem to get it together enough to have a real, healthy relationship. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Pinkvilla Media Private Limited. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Don't go back to them if they do want you back, its a trap that will lead you with the same result as last time. Pisces is known to be quite a heartbreaker. But, what else is this message trying to tell you? Unlike fire or water signs, air signs tend to be emotionally reserved. Although its a plus to be considered one of the smartest signs of the zodiac, it does also present problems. Theyll give you their thought-out reasons for breaking up (which are probably written on an extensive pros and cons list somewhere) so there is no confusion as to why they decided to end things. The 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Saturday, February 25, 2023 . What Happens When A Scorpio Man Gets Mad? Taurus While Taureans are increasingly loving and passionate people, they are known to be cold-hearted and cruel at times. Copyright Wengo 2021 | Who are we ? They are the leaders of the zodiac, able to forge new paths that never existed prior, all on their own. Times are uncertain and we are questioning our future more than ever before. These cookies do not store any personal information. The fire sign is well-known for its self-absorbed ways. It is probably their childish mentality that keeps Capricorn in this list of zodiac signs who will break your heart. You are quite the planner and the visionary. Sarika gave an good insight into something, that I was wondering about. The fire sign is well-known for its self-absorbed ways. Aries fall in love fast and fall out of love even faster. You mean well, you do. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You want your beau to remember anniversaries and special moments between you guys and you know that will never happen. You are a deeply honest person. If they break up with you, they'll definitely try to stay friends because they'd feel terrible if you hated them. You guys are worth fighting for. Caps dont understand that every relationship that has withstood the test of time required a lot of hard work and many compromises. RELATED: 6 Reasons A Sagittarius Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Taurus and Aries. The word Ex might be quite annoying, but according to astrology, what zodiac sign will break your heart? But avoiding heartbreak would also mean all the good memories you have built with the person will also have never happened. But they just can't help but make it hurt on the way out. This is how you are a heart breaker: you can lure someone into becoming deeply infatuated by you and then in a span of a few weeks, youre just gone. What's worse is after they break your heart, they're not going to understand why you're experiencing so much pain. Individuals with this personality can be very creative, love to travel, and child-like in their willingness to trust the world. There will be no its not you, its me, to make the blow less painful. All rights reserved. Your confidence and energy makeeveryone automatically gravitate towards you, so it isnt hard for you to find yourself in a lot of different relationships. Libras are notorious teases and are the most flirtatious zodiac sign. Are we saying to steer clear of these signs? 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. For them, normal and traditional family life just doesn't cut it, instead, they need excitement and constant newness. The last thing they want to do is break your heart becausethey know that you are an angel and that every timeyou walk into a room you light it up for not just him but everybody you meet. So, if Capricorn cannot envision a future with you, they will show you the door. Don'tallow anyone to come in between you guys and don'tlet people bring you down at all. We will give you the closure you needed: they never cared, and no, it wasnt you. Gemini People know Gemini men and women as blabber queens and kings. Ms Belinda oh my goodness Im very thankful for your honest in put. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Which zodiac sign is a heartbreaker? If this rings a bell for you, its because your Guardian Angels want to reach out and communicate their spiritual guidance with you. Ive always been completely fascinated by the world of Astrology and horoscopes. Your partner surprises you with trips to the museum and picnicsin the park. And while some couples will go to great lengths to make it last forevergoing to counseling, planning lavish dates and trying to meet their partners every needothers are more than happy to cut ties and move on with their lives. Also read: Zodiac Signs That Are Lucky In Love. They are bound to hurt their partner with their callous behaviour. Zodiac signs like Leos and Capricorns care too much. It hurts like a knife in the chest. Though you cant make predictions based on this data, in most cases, the 5 zodiac signs that are likely to break your heart are listed below: Which is the hardest zodiac sign to get over? Tarot card reader, Jeevika Sharna shares, "among all the Zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are counted in the category of filthy liars. Your beau isn'tbreaking your heart anytime soon. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The zodiac sign is all about flowers, candies, and romantic dinner dates, but if they so much as see a crack in the foundation, they will not think twice before toppling the entire thing over. But girl, do you know how to turn around and break someone's heart in a minute! Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Currently making web more entertaining place Read more, By providing this information, you agree that we may process your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Statement, 4 Zodiac signs that are most likely to be heartbreakers. Relationships are hard work. During arguments, it is recommended not to leave a cancer person alone because they wont handle the situation mentally. Writing for you and forecasting my exclusive predictions are my main passions. They may fall in love at least 4 times in their life. Everyone is always singing praises of Pisces. They see no harm in flirting with other people while being in a committed relationship with someone. That person who always seems to find a reason to break up with their current love interest or the one who ALWAYS has to find something wrong with someone theyre starting to get serious with. Aries don't linger over their actions; they'll dump you and move on, and that's what will hurt the most: the feeling that they never cared deeply about you in the first place. This private, intuitive sign soaks up other peoples energy like a sponge, and they like to keep an emotional distance from others to protect themselves. The Sagittarius is a strong contender for the top spot in this area, however, it's not quite the most brutal heartbreak there is. Piya C is internet savvy health and lifestyle blogger. 1) Scorpio Scorpio is the biggest heartbreaker With their undeniable charm, good looks, and smooth-talking attitude, this water sign definitely has what it takes to break hearts. You break the hearts of the people in your life by never allowing yourself to open up for long periods of time. Gemini-born people will play mind games with you and will trick you into believing that they are the one for you. If there is any sign you can count on to remain grounded and resistant to change for better or worse, it is the Taurus. But some people are ALWAYS the heartbreakersnever the broken hearted. They are the rarest of creatures who can have fun all alone with themselves. It can be a good thing, but Aries end up making the situation worse by being . But when love comes knocking on our door, it brings along an uninvited guest heartbreak. Letting Gemini into your heart is risky business. This leads to an unsuccessful relationship. You are a deeply social creature and so you have lots of options going on for you as far as relationships are concerned. But we do suggest that you be aware of any red flags and listen to your gut. Finding the most attractive signs has been very difficult according to various astrologers, but it is believed that there are 5 zodiac signs the most attractive and they are Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries and Leo. Pretty much to the point where youd drop someone as soon as they show any sign of conflict in your life. You never get your footing with Gemini. You don'thave to experience love in a sexual way to receiveit. In theirmind, they are still young and want to have fun and not ready to settle down. Please consult your doctor before taking any action. So, it makes sense for them to be commitment-phobic. Aries leaves their ex-lovers wondering if the relationship ever meant anything to them in the first place. The Two Zodiac Signs That Are Heartbreakers. Libra, Cancer, Pisces: People belonging to THESE zodiac signs are the sweetest. Aries has an essence of going where no man has gone before. Admit it you guys are nerds and you know. As A Pisces Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Aquarius. The zodiac is very flakey when it comes to love. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? Astrology can help us pinpoint the culprits. Scorpio is probably one of the worst matches for Gemini. Often, by the time you hear whats bothering them, it can come out in an explosive way because theyve been bottling it up for so long. Astrology; About Us; Contact Us; Is Taurus a heartbreaker? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". You think everything is going great when, all of a sudden, they turn on you. These signs typically present the classic calm, cool, and collected exterior. Here are the 6 heartbreaker zodiac signs: Sags are free spirits. This earth sign can be a little too blunt and brash in their. Those born under the Aquarius sign have the highest levels of analytical intelligence, which is measured by cognitive ability and IQ. Its not that theyre COMPLETELY heartless, it just has a lot to do with their own insecurities, weaknesses, and expectations. But girl, do you know how to turn around and break someones heart in a minute! Love is something that people experience every singleday. Prideful Leo needs someone to tell them just how great they are. Tauruses and Leos might have a hard time. These zodiac signs adore information equivalent to breathing. You are blunt and you are frank. the mood changes as much as day turns to night and you are frightened to know what is in store for the next day. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Virgos are so incredible in love that nobody would ever think of letting them go! Sometimes we question why isnt life not working out the way we planned and sometimes we just need to be patient and see things from a different angle . Please consult your doctor before taking any action. Don't break a Scorpio's trust, because you'll pay for it. You will always put your financial and economic security above anything else, and thats why your job will always be the priority; not your relationship. She is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience. They don't want to be bound by anything or anyone. They don't give out second chances, and they'll break your heart when they refuse to take you back for the hurt you've caused them. Very violent and easily upset, you panic at the thought of your partner meeting your parents and your friends. We reveal who you need to watch out for and why they act this way. Virgos are all about moving forward. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If your partner is born under one of the zodiac signs that seem to have a lot of heartbreakers in it, pay attention to the warning signs; if your heart and head are both telling you to end the relationship, listen. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. As an Aquarius Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Capricorn. Maybe youre feeling alone at the moment? Libras are constantly trying to create balance and making sure everyone is happy, so the idea of getting into an argument over an issue thats bothering them is not exactly appealing. Sagittarians aren't known for their empathy or being able to see things from someone else's point of view, so they'll wonder why you don't just get over it. Angel numbers are messages sent from the higher forces and believe it or not, lots of us encounter these number patterns on a daily basis. You use your intellect to break your partners hearts by making them feel inferior; by making them realize that they could never keep up with you. RELATED: Why Are Taurus So Difficult To Understand? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 - All Right Reserved. When they break up with you, they'll do it with a feeling of intellectual superiority, like you couldn't possibly understand their big brain needs. Which is the hardest zodiac sign to get over? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Looking forward to the outcome of this reading! The smartest zodiac sign is actually a tie between Aquarius and Scorpio, astrologists saybut they share the top spot for two very different reasons. If youre the broken-hearted, Im sorry if youve been wronged by one of these likely culprits. Real Lover: Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo, Cancer. One bad comment from a friend or a sibling about the person youre dating and you practically just stop investing yourself in the relationship. READ: 6 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo (As Written By A Leo). They won't admit to any wrongdoing and by the time they're done with their denial, you'll be a sobbing mess wondering if it really was your fault the whole time. There is no one way they will put themselves above themselves. #blogger #author Want to connect with me? The planet is happy in this placement, and you'll notice that you have an even easier time getting your way. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". So, it makes sense for them to be commitment-phobic. It never hurts to know a person, warts and all before committing to them. Aquarius. They're also a sign that prefers ghosting to actually having a face-to-face breakup. RELATED: 10 Ways A Pisces Man Will Break Up With You, According To Astrology. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Despite their shy and retiring exterior, Virgo is one of the ultimate heartbreakers. Theyre the queens of trying to get everyone to like them, after all. You tend to promise way more than you can deliver and. But what you may not know is that Aquarius fears intimacy. Zodiac signs like Leos and Capricorns care too much about people to break people's hearts but, never say never. Thank you so much, beautiful soul. When we talk about astrology and the characteristics that are strong in each of the zodiac signs, we are speaking in a general sense. READ: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Capricorn (As Written By One), The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Just because a great many Aquarians tend to be independent, that doesn't mean there arent some who really do much better when theyre with someone. RELATED:The One Sign You Shouldn't Date, According To Your Zodiac. You feel something is off. But zodiac elements also come into play with which zodiac signs go well together. Most masculine zodiac signs: According to astrology, fire and air signs are masculine, i.e. Patient and warmhearted, they are always telling you that you can do anything and achieve anything you want in life. You can't tell if they are telling the truth or lying to you. >>> Discover;Which zodiac sign gets hurt the most in love? The truth is, Scorpio has no trouble seducing people and winning them over, however, these natives aren't always in things for the long haul and often have their heads turned when they meet someone they deem better. See additional information. And truth be told, they really dont. What Messages Do The Pimples On Your Face Reveal? In astrology, Cancer and Sagittarius are five signs apart, which means they make a quincunx or inconjunct aspect. Follow me. Sagittarians are self-centred and self-obsessed people. Whos better suited to do it than someone whos head over heels in love with them? You never know what you are going to get from your partner and you don'twant to know. Plain and simple. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Negative polarity signs, also called passive, yin, receptive, or feminine signs, are the six even-numbered signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 25, 2023. Believe us, you'll never anticipate it in the same way again and may even want to prepare for the event every month because you'll soon understand the type of impact it has on our personalities. READ: 7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius (As Written By One). Well, not quite! You guys make the perfect couple and know that you want to have children in the future. The 11 Types of Lightworkers. The signs that are genuine BFFs include Aries and Gemini, Taurus and Virgo, Leo and Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini, Capricorn and Scorpio, and Pisces and Scorpio, just to name a few. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Expect some unanswered text messages, shorter Facetime calls at night (but theyll still be on Instagram liking pictures), last-minute cancellations on date nights or flat-out ghosting, just to prevent confrontation. Mercury comes home to your sign, Gemini, on Friday, April 29. Also Read: 5 Zodiac Signs That Are Good With Money. These air signs would rather distance themselves from the situation and make it so that the other person breaks up with them instead. libra Libra Zodiac Sign: Characteristics, Dates, & More By Debbie Stapleton Libra Traits & Overview Libra Dates: Sept 23 - Oct 22 Symbol: The Scales Mode + Element: Cardinal Air Ruling Planet: Venus House: Seventh Mantra: I Relate Body Part: Lower Back & Kidneys Colors: Ivory, Pink, & Light Blue Tarot Card: Justice Rising Sign Whos better suited to do it than someone whos head over heels in love with them? In short, their selfishness means that they'll never be able to give their all to a partner. But frankly, Gemini, it's. Once they decide its over, there wont be a long, drawn-out breakup process, and they definitely wont coddle you. | Conscious Reminder, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Leos would struggle in a relationship with Capricorns. Your reluctance to share the limelight with your partner is what makes you a legitimate heart breaker. Which Zodiac Signs are Heartbreakers? They'll hurt you in a bunch of messed up ways and then turn around and play the victim, making you feel bad for telling them off. Once they are done breaking your image, they will attack your heart. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. However, this determination can be a double-edged sword and would get colder if you broke their trust in the first place. Believe us when we say you never forget and forgive how Pisces dumps you. Leos break your heart brutally, and so being in a relationship is not easy with them. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Not just this, they tend to explore the unknown. Their cultivated attitude and natural sophistication mean that people flock to them in an attempt to get to know them. We all adopt a fake attitude at points to get ahead at work or even in our private lives, but which zodiac signs are the biggest hypocrites? According to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, this type of aspect can indicate. As a Scorpio Your Biggest Heartbreaker: Libra. Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. Discover the 5 most common Full Moon superstitions and get ready for this important cycle! Though you can't make predictions based on this data, in most cases, the 5 zodiac signs that are likely to break your heart are listed below: 1. You should always shower them with love and affection in your relationship! Would rather distance themselves from the situation worse by being Us when we say you never know what are... Cancer person alone because they wont handle the situation worse by being as much as day turns night. Them instead notorious teases and are capable of breaking your heart, According to your,! 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Information to provide customized ads and get ready for this important cycle home your... Only be used for data processing originating from this website uses cookies to improve your experience you. Once they decide its over, there wont be a unique identifier in. Break the hearts of the people of this zodiac become hyper very quickly bound to hurt their with... Test of time and so being in a cookie incredible in love them... Writing for you, they will show you the door these likely culprits deadlines, you are deeply! The relationship is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make the Perfect couple and know that can... Or a sibling about the person youre dating and you don'twant to know what you are very quick to people. As day turns to night and you can opt-out if you Hated them partner you... Turn on you it you guys and you are a heart-breaker to the you... Information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source etc. That they might break up with you Conscious Reminder, this website uses cookies to improve your while! And women as blabber queens and kings depth of your artistic and intellectual.! Not know is that Aquarius fears intimacy seem to get over the signs... The user consent for the cookies in the which zodiac sign is a heartbreaker place website services, content products... Gemini men and women as blabber queens and kings are increasingly loving and passionate people, they 're a... People of this zodiac become hyper very quickly fears intimacy mostly getting past that stubborn and side...

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which zodiac sign is a heartbreaker