i broke a mirror and i'm scared

You each have your own now ;). I just have to make it through for six more years. I was driving a few months back I had been up all night trying to get rid of our company who was homeless and pretending to call friends for a ride. All the other guys I met are millionaires too who are now my suitors. The same rule applies to those around you. Is it a bad sign? He reportedly speaks fluent French. I'm not allowed to bury it or anything! It's what you believe that affects your outcome - so expect good things and see good stuff come into your life. Had NO IDEA ABOUT THIS WEBSITE UNTIL NOW !! Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? A stunning woman who swears she looks like Kylie Jenner believes that men are "frightened" to talk to her and settle for her "ugly" friends instead. After a complete 7 years of a dangerous marriage to the same guy I finally escaped while living in the US with him. It has been almost a year now. What Does it Mean When You Dream About Snakes? I want to make sure this mirror causes no more sadness, tragedy, pain, bad luck in general. 3 Oct 09 I am superstitious. It's cause and effect, people. I cannot say too much but J will say this One was injured and has been out of hospital for a while fractured ribs etc The other was injured more severely and flown to another hospital. "Im so ugly" Low self esteem, with a cynical response "so are you". thank you wisegeek and posters! So if you break a mirror and dont expect it to break, it could be dangerous for you in real life, or you could just be the person who breaks something for the wrong reason. so i took the pieces and cleaned but, a good chunk (96%) was still in the little frame. I was cleaning the apartment because I had just moved and my mop hit the mirror that was leaning on a wall and it broke, so I think it's a sign of a new beginning -- for the better. And bought another one yesterday and that got lost. Ive also found that believing in yourself and having a positive attitude works wonders! Superstitions are just that. So essentially, when you break a mirror, youre waiting for an entirely new soul to rid yourself of the bad luck. Thanks , [] unfortunately come true. No, youre not going to die. The other car was facing opposite direction. People used to think that if you took a picture of them it would steal their soul. If there happens to be a full moon, take your glass shard and reflect the moon. I'm about to bury it before my hair falls out for no reason. The reflection in a mirror represents not just ones physical appearance, but also ones soul, Looking To Broken Mirror Learn Our Superstition. After I broke the mirror, I kept the pieces in a little black bag in my room. I didnt even look back. A village doctor saw me and sent me back to the house wed been staying at. When she was in the hospital, she was perfectly fine. The mirrors are covered because it is believed that the spirit of the deceased can be trapped in one of the mirrors. There are also several superstitions associated with ways to break a mirror. So, I just waited until she noticed the little black bag and asked her to kindly throw it out for me and she did. how to remove mosyle manager from ipad Menu. I broke a mirror when I was eleven, and then entered puberty. I also might have cracked a piece that was already cracked a little bit more but Im not too sure about that. ehhhhhhhh, calm bruh, STOP TRYING TO STEP ON A MIRROW, ehhhhhhh. However, if you want to be completely sure then you can do them both! well i just broke a mirror last week. Wow I wish I would of known this before!! There are plenty of people who break mirrors just because they dont like the look of something. By stating one would have bad luck made people more careful. The easiest way to go about this would be to add 2 Tbs of salt into bathwater. I never really thought of these events as part of a curse, until I reflected on how good our lives were before he broke the mirror. OPEN THE CABINET DOOR, LOW&BEHOLD,,, WATER JUST SITTING IN MY CABINET,,, LIKE IT WAS JUS CAMPING OUT,,UNDER THEYRE.. No IDEA WHERE IT CAME FROM.. Soooo,, I CLEANED IT UP PUT PLASTIC CONTAINERS UNDER THE PIPES..NeX MORNING,, WATER CAMPING OUT AGAIN !!! She's living an ordinary life like before the wreck. I had one of those cheep $14 body length mirrors from Walmart that has a cardboard back and not wooden back so no support for the glass, one time a few days ago I picked it up and tried to pull it towards me to move it but the bottom was stuck behind something and so the top came forward, the bottom stayed back and it bent In the middle and cracks spidered across a portion of the mirror and some small itty bitty shards fell out, but most of it stayed intact, I threw it on the dumpster. Trust that you will be okay and all will go well. Do these remedies only let the bad luck for only 7 hours. their people who post 7 years of bad luck just to scare people. The Realm will reveal which versions of your story you can play in, along with the character stats, skills, and other goodies youll need to know about to survive in those worlds. after that, i got a bad eye infection. Does that technically mean I didnt break it? Stay strong. Trust you intuition. its about a priest, whom has become depressed and is losing their grip on sanity and has began questioning his religion. What I did is buried a piece of the mirror in the garden by moonlight and also threw a pinch of salt over my left shoulder. Last people, don't worry, be happy. I tried to kill myself 3 times. Why Are Firecrackers Used in Chinese New Year? Try not to get too dizzy in the process or you might break something again! We all know this, but what can you do about it? I was shocked when my mirror fell. That was just one example but seriously, every week it's something new. We've broke our mirrors Sunday morning is everyday for all I care I'm not scared Light my candles in a daze 'cause I've found god I'm so lonely That's ok, I shaved my head No, I'm not sad And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard I'm not sure, I'm so excited I can't wait to meet you there And I don't' care, I'm so horny That's ok, my will . I broke a coffee table mirror at work in 2006 and it's been very, very bad. What can I do? However, there are also rituals and practices that can be performed to ward off any negative effects of breaking a mirror. thank you for your eyesthe Broken_Gerbil. It is believed that the shattered glass represents the fragmentation of the soul and could lead to negative energy or karma. The last line of this verse i always sing as "im so retarded i cant take a sedative"(a line kurt sang in a live show). Using broken glass to create a mosaic effect really adds some flare to your dcorthis would look even cooler with colored glass! You may feel like youre at odds with yourself or others, and the broken mirror could represent a release of tension or a way to express your emotions. It was the ancient Romans who first suggested the idea of a broken mirror bringing seven years bad luck. Should I treat them the same. The reason I think about it now as I lie here unable to sleep is because my life has slowly gotten better and I don't hear voices whispering in my ear anymore, whereas before, they were very real and strange and I just did not know who I was. I carry a small mirror in my backpack just in case I need to check my face at school. Go try it if you think it's fake, but if you're someone smart, you know that our ancestors were right and would not try such a thing. I have shivers and will be so cold that I feel like I'm sitting in ice, but then shortly after, I'll get really hot. My dad broke a mirror the summer of 2009. I take lithium every single day, and this song has meaning to me. Eventually I ended up coming across the bike again all decals scrapped and the thing painted black with household paint. Let's just say now I'm sleeping on my mom's couch getting woken up every 30 minutes. How's that for good luck? I thought it was an angel On average in seven years, two people you know or are close to will die. Some astrologers may recommend certain remedies or rituals to mitigate the effects of a broken mirror. I just broke a mirror and I'm scared : r/Superstitions d4rksided4n I just broke a mirror and I'm scared I'm 31 years old and for the first time in my life I have broken a mirror. Yes it does, but you can reverse it by doing the tips and tricks mentioned! Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. And I am not that beautiful and sexy, I'm just an ordinary poor woman; it's all just plain good luck. If this hack is a little too creepy for you, you might still have time to reverse your luck. Breaking a mirror is no joke, and I have six more years left of bad luck. it like a year from now I broke a mirror accidentally. My grandmother was a libra and granted me her gifts through my libra mercury. The origin of the "break a mirror, face seven years of bad luck" superstition can be traced back to the Romans, who were the first to create glass mirrors. However, you need to be extra careful! For more information, please see our I seen the authorities pull up and asked them to help the ambulance arrived shortly after. Use it on the outside of a terrarium or even a beauty tray to make your accident look high class. I know this whole bad luck thing is just in the mind which is why I didn't think much of it, but I'm the type of person who needs my sleep and when I don't get it, well lets just say I'm not much of a 'happy camper' and it's just not fair for my friends and family to have to put up with my bad moods. Whatever I have been going through is probably going to make me die. no, im not. I once broke a line of mirrors. I broke a mirror and Im scared is a common sentiment expressed by many people who accidentally break a mirror. look out for rust mirror shards. I broke another big mirror in early 1998. A small mirror sat upon my shower used for shaving fell by itself and smashed in my bath, nobody was in bathroom at time and mirror always sits there but wasnt attached to anything but still weird it fell itself. i cracked my mirror, is this considered? I tried being careful not to break the pieces because I didnt know if that was still bad luck, but the other person wasnt as careful and swept up the pieces while I was holding the dustpan and some might have broken there and I didnt know if that was technically my fault because I was holding the dustpan. Otherwise nothing will happen to [], Your email address will not be published. After my car was stolen i never got it back, I've been in two car accidents, lost two jobs have been evicted twice. What you said resonated with me so much. At my graduation, during the celebration when everyone was getting their food, my mother broke a plate and at that night, my cousin was lost. My sister broke a portable mirror she used for makeup.. she did the throwing salt over her left shoulder, and spun 3 times counter clockwise. Im safe, surely speaking. I've now read all of your posts and my bad luck just began! "I broke a mirror and I'm scared" is a common sentiment expressed by many people who accidentally break a mirror. I just broke a mirror. I broke a mirror when I was 17. I did the salt trick and spun around 3 times but i thought it said clockwise so i spun 3 times clockwise. Bipolar dosnt just make you feel depressed but it also makes you have sever mood swings and thats what he's describing. If you want to be extra safe then carrying a good luck charm such as a four leaf clover or horseshoe is likely to help. I accidentally knocked a mirror off my bed two nights ago and although I don't want to believe in this seven years or bad luck I did miss the bus the next day, nothing big really, but still bad luck right? We've broken our mirrors " I put it against the wall too much and it just fell. This superstition dates way back to Roman times, when they believed it took seven years for a soul to renew itself. Just say in your mind, "I am very lucky, I am very lucky, I am very lucky" three times every day, and see how good luck comes your way. After feeling horrible for so long, you could care less about responsibilities hence sunday morning(when most have their day off). If you have any other tips to remedy bad luck, let us know in the comments below! I broke TWO mirrors on Oct 1st (my BIRHTDAY) its been one week and my car blew up on Sunday. Unfortunately, youll still have one year of bad luck until then, so try to avoid getting into anything risky before then! This will wash away the bad luck in only seven HOURS instead of seven years. IM THROWING SALT OVER HIM. i dont know if ill be okay or if i still have bad luck. A black cat walked across me when I reached home. and Ive heard of thro salt over ur sholder. My 21 years of bad luck will run out in 2011. What can I do? Can I just use Givenchy Gentleman cus thats all i have. If it is a real curse, maybe it is a beautiful thing because once you do find yourself again you almost feel brand new and like anything is possible. I was trying to leave the house and I broke the mirror. Did I screw up? What happens if I accidentally drop a mirror onto another mirror and both smash? As long as you did at least one of the tactics, you will be perfectly fine! "im so lonely thats ok ill shave my head, and im not sad." spitfirek7, edited by AngelGirl46, MercuryM, amberrose, wave_of_castration, LHGL. Next I purchased a 2003 Mercedes s500 that was supposed to be a simple fix. i feel like i'm lost and really weird. When I was a teenager I broke a mirror before I knew what to do and suffered 7 years bad luck, its only been a few years since that ended and I dont want another 7 years of that horror. I was so scared. If youre burying them in your yard try and bury the pieces in a spot where theres not much traffic. What should I do? I think that's pretty much good luck. Happy Thanksgiving to all. fuck it sunday morning everyday.."i found god" in a drug of choice. Seventy years? I would have never expected the events to happen. It's probably stuff that would happen in our lives anyway, we just put mysterious causes to it now! First, believe in God and Jesus first. And before the mirror accident, I had beautiful skin but after the mirror accident I broke out in major acne that didn't fade until several years later after hard work for treating it and keeping healthy. if it means someones going to die in my house soon that is my greatest fear my anxiety is now through the roof any help please. It happens to me too. It was a small mirror surrounded by tiny gemstones, set in a gray clay. For example, it is believed that breaking a mirror by accident will result in seven years of bad luck, but breaking a mirror intentionally will not. Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research, 8:2. i got the girl, I'm in boxing and i don't have any bad luck. According to Morton Salt, the French throw a little behind them to hit him in the eyeball. But now I know it's all in the mind, and that makes it attract more negative or positive energy. Stefenie 2015-01-22 08:03:58. It is the petty minded attempt of an individual to cope with a situation they cannot control by resigning their fate to a mystical force. It was in my car and I didn't know I was going to do it. I am totally scared now because i don't know what to do, what can i do to reverse this bad luck! XD ima go now. My yellow labs broke a wall hanging mirror and this happen this year in 2010. She put it in her basement and three years later she found that mirror and it is no longer cracked at all. You probably won't die or get seven years of bad luck because you broke a mirror. I hope you the OP reads this & comes to understands the power of light she has within herself. Second, I slipped on the ice and I hit the back of my head. i think to myself if it rains it pours. So if you broke a mirror, there is nothing to worry about. For example, in some Eastern European cultures, the number of years of bad luck is nine instead of seven. people blame things for bad luck, but it's probably their own fault. Breaking a mirror would mean breaking the soul into pieces. I have researched the internet about what to do to reverse the bad luck. We all know this, but what can you do about it? i broke a mirror and after that i had terrible bad luck. Should I try one of the techniques above? i cracked the mirror not smashed it and the crack is so small it feels smooth. I was so scared! anon79190 April 21, 2010 So is it too late to follow rule number 2 today considering the week time that has passed ? i've spun around clockwise seven times, apologized to the mirror, will break a glass and will probably even bury it. So does that mean i will have bad luck? I'm in the process of landing a really good job. I've had several mirrors broken, and I'm 19 now. i have broken a mirror every Friday the 13th for the last four years and not on purpose! It's insane. I was standing under a busy tree. Instead of having one big mirror, you have two smaller ones. i think i reversed my curse by doing so again in the same place. It JUST DROPPED ON THE FLOOR, LIKE MY HAND WAS HOT & WENT SPLAT The BACK OF THE MIRROR WAS FACING UPWARD& THE GLASS PART WAS FACING THE FLOOR.. OMG,,, HELP QUEEN B.. Ohhhh ANORTHER THING I FORGOT. This song is about a period of descent between two mind-states and a semi-pre-occupation with the lithium drug. I chose not to go to work, as I drive everywhere for work. What should I do?? Way back to Roman times, apologized to the mirror, youre waiting for an new. Had no IDEA about this would be to add 2 Tbs of salt into.... Something new which you will like very much every week it 's what you that... 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i broke a mirror and i'm scared